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I was just asking, i did not know your background with the site. and you dont need my permission to stay. It's not my site. what kind of work do you do thats related to the industry?


i make pretty websites and print ads and all that jazz. i built and take care of the k&k atv site http://www.kandkatv.com/ , i built the http://www.gibsonatvracing.com site, i did the newest east coast atv print ad you can see in most atv magazines, and one of these days east coast atv will have a bright shiney new site. will be built during the off-season.

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brooke pm me your address i will ship you 1 complete banshee. that way if someone asks,DO YOU OWN A BANSHEE?  you can reply, WHY YES MY GOOD MAN I DO!


:rotflmao: yea i need one of those little toy banshees ....CHECK OUT MY SWEET RIIIDE MOTHERFLOWERS!!!

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Ray, just becuse you have an email saying send pipes to this person doesn't mean you ever paid for them.  Go back and check your paypal I guarantee there is NO PAYMENT for either of thier sets to me.  GUARANTEE IT.

You dont even have to I went back and checked again for the 4th time and still none.

I went ahead and sent pipes to 1.6i because everyone here was all in an uproar over it telling hiim he wouldn't get them.  You promised him along with countless others pipes in a given time without even so much as asking me.  I went out on a limb to save both our asses on that and you still as of 7:08pm CST not paid me for them.


Secondly I wouldn't even have them sent back to me I'd have them sent to Brian instead of going back through me and making him wait at least another week or more due solely to shipping delays.


I've sent out over 2 dozen pipes now, and have about a half dozen local orders that I can sell at anytime.  2 local dealerships ready to sell them whenever I get a stock.


Rays only purchased about a dozen sets, granted about 5 cancled thier orders prior to me catching up which was my fault.  After the last rocket pipes suck post he made I cancled and refunded him $1600 to cover 3 chrome sets and a bare that were not shipped yet.  within an hour I have all those sets being disputed in paypal.  The very sets I reimbursed him for.  So now he is sitting on $2875    $1275 of which is mine but he refused to drop the disputes and I'm confident paypal will side with me.

Plus he sold pipes to 1.6i and brian without paying me and however many other backdoor deals.  He had someone making him pipes on the side or so he claimed without my approval and is now sitting on money he owes me and on top of oweing me the money wants 1.6i to send him the extra set to him so he can send them to Brian.  Leaving me still without payment.



So whats the story Minkia38? Honesty is the best policy.

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I think both of you should reward the HQ for having to listen to the personal problems you two are having by posting pics of your women on your shees.  God knows I'll forget all about this "he said she said bullshit" after admiring the ladies. :drool:




I second that.... :bolt:

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Ray why do I have to wait for all that to happen??Pull the money from your piggy bank and send the check!!Why are you trying to pork Chris out of his loot too?



              Brook,Brook,Brook,Brook,Brook.....HE,HE.I can play too!! :D


DAMN YOU!! .:: shakes fists ::.

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this will be resolved really soon, if 1.6i doesnt send you those pipes, I'll wait for paypal to refund the miney from them, and send the money to you Brian






Im sending banshee brian the extra pipes early next week, with tracking number and all...ima eat the cost for shipping..$26 is nothing compared to making someone happy :D

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