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Where's the 600 bucks I sent you for the Rockets over 3 months ago.The check was made out in you're name. Settle with those you left hangin' in the breeze before you start another project. It would help you're credibility.



hey LOCO...

why is it ok for minkia to have $600 of this fine man's money for 3 months, not return his emails, but when superchicken pulled that shit for less that 1/4 of that amount he was immediately a chickenf**ker?

id watch who you align yourself with, you dont want some fool tarnishing your reputation just cause you have a crush on him.

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So, I'm learning these small mom and pops order over the internet custom made parts companies are not what you want to deal with if you want your stuff quick.

I think they should tell you before you place your order. May take several months for delivery, don't be looking for what you payed for anytime soon and don't expect us to return calls or emails. I know people are busy and most of these "merchants" do this kind of thing on the side. But if your gonna have a business that charges over 500 dollars for something that business should have a quick return time, complete orders in a timely manner and you should have some kind of customer interaction. People don't like to be left sitting and thinking...wonder when my stuffs going to show up. I've been doing it for the past 3 months and all I can keep thinking is... I hope I didnt get ripped off. :confused:

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hey LOCO...

why is it ok for minkia to have $600 of this fine man's money for 3 months, not return his emails, but when superchicken pulled  that shit for less that 1/4 of that amount he was immediately a chickenf**ker?

id watch who you align yourself with, you dont want some fool tarnishing your reputation just cause you have a crush on him.


Nasty but true words. heh heh


So, I'm learning these small mom and pops order over the internet custom made parts companies are not what you want to deal with if you want your stuff quick.

I think they should tell you before you place your order. May take several months for delivery, don't be looking for what you payed for anytime soon and don't expect us to return calls or emails. I know people are busy and most of these "merchants" do this kind of thing on the side. But if your gonna have a business that charges over 500 dollars for something that business should have a quick return time, complete orders in a timely manner and you should have some kind of customer interaction. People don't like to be left sitting and thinking...wonder when my stuffs going to show up. I've been doing it for the past 3 months and all I can keep thinking is... I hope I didnt get ripped off. :confused:


How about "pipes may look like chicken shit when/if you finally get them and that's just too damn bad because it's what you paid for" :angry:

Edited by 350TwinDeathBed
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hey LOCO...

why is it ok for minkia to have $600 of this fine man's money for 3 months, not return his emails, but when superchicken pulled  that shit for less that 1/4 of that amount he was immediately a chickenf**ker?

id watch who you align yourself with, you dont want some fool tarnishing your reputation just cause you have a crush on him.



cuz chickens are food..they shouldnt be sendin out parts...most of the time they run around with their heads cut off... :D

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id watch who you align yourself with, you dont want some fool tarnishing your reputation just cause


"watch who you align yourself with" ..... "tarnish a reputation". WTF man, this place is getting weirder & weirder everyday. Loco your nuts for backing down on insults like that, who the hell does Brooke think she is talking to you like that??! Speak your mind and what you beleive is right and dont give a flyin' f**k about aligning yourself. :shootself:

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"watch who you align yourself with"  ..... "tarnish a reputation". WTF man, this place is getting weirder & weirder everyday.  Loco your nuts for backing down on insults like that, who the hell does Brooke think she is talking to you like that??! Speak your mind and what you beleive is right and dont give a flyin' f**k about aligning yourself. :shootself:



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"watch who you align yourself with"  ..... "tarnish a reputation". WTF man, this place is getting weirder & weirder everyday.  Loco your nuts for backing down on insults like that, who the hell does Brooke think she is talking to you like that??! Speak your mind and what you beleive is right and dont give a flyin' f**k about aligning yourself. :shootself:



lighten up meat. im just speaking my mind and what i believe is right.




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cool.  im actually lighten' one up right now.  ;)  :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink:  :)   

why doesnt that surprise me


Here's a little tip to remember next time you post something and there's the smallest chance that you might offend someone. Use Smiles to show your being lighthearted and not mean spirited or..... "coy". :cheers:  :P



some people prefer and have the guts to be upfront and honest, instead of passive aggressive.

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some people prefer and have the guts to be "upfront and honest", instead of "passive aggressive".


In other words, a "troublemaker and rude", instead of "not giving a shit" and being a nice guy. Boy, I sure am glad Im not passive aggressive :cheers:... ... .. Oh wait..... was I just being passive aggressive ?? :cry::P



just popped into my head.... but who the hell says shit like "passive aggressive" anyways on an freakin' ATV forum? Can anyone here tell me who won last weekends GNCC or who won the #1 GNC plate this season ? I bet alot of us know who Firemann-hott is and the whole Rocket pipe story, or any of the other 50 sub-drama goin' on the BHQ at any one time. I guess I long for the days when a bunch of guys just talked about riding and fixin our quads and everyone made an effort to be nice and helpful. Drama is fun, but when you get my age, the bitchin' and fightin gets old. Thats why I tried to help Firemann and Minkia to make ammends and attend to the business with a fresh start. Should we just continue to berate these Rocket pipe guys ?? Or should we help out with a little common sense toward the Rocket pipe choas ? Where I offered peace between the two parties(which should also help everyone who's having problems with orders and parts) . Or should everyone take your advice and "watch who we align with" because we all want to be on Brooke's good side. I take it long upstanding member Ray "minkia" is on not in your "clique" and if Loco sides with him..... its another checkmark against him. :rolleyes: Yea lets just bitch and moan some more, its alot easier.


sorry for hi jackin the thread, brooke post your reply to my rant(remember to be all sassy and crap) and then lets get back to the rocket pipe drama.

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QUOTE(Meat @ Oct 12 2005, 08:47 PM)

Here's a little tip to remember next time you post something and there's the smallest chance that you might offend someone. Use Smiles to show your being lighthearted and not mean spirited or..... "coy".


oh by the way...... you got BURRRRRNED on that classic passive aggressive little nugget of advice I gave ya. I bet you got all fired up when you read that one. Come on tho, you gotta admit it, i burned ya on that one, in a coy, and passive kinda way too. count that as a double-burn. :evil:


love ya..... :yank:

-denny :evil::P

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Where in the hell are Banshee Brians pipes?


I think if Firemann and Ray can't or don't wanna try to salvage the business, they should agree to call it quits and then work together to get all the customers satisfied. Firemann this is your chance to prove yourself. Problem is, where in the hell are banshee brians pipes. The answer is simple. Give him his money back or get him a perfect set of pipes ASAP. No excuses. If you dont have the time, or cant find a chromer, or cant get em welded, or cant get him the correct silencers, then refund the money. If Ray has Banshee Brian's money, then ray should give him back his money. Ray I wouldnt sell a single pipe untill you have em in your inventory, you can't trust Firemann-hott to deliver the goods(no offense fireman).


I wouldnt take another order untill every last customer posts that they were finally re-embursed or fully satisfied with thier pipes\silecers.

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