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I used them. They are too much of a top end porting I found. It would scream in 4th-6th, but 1st-3rd were kinda lacking. These cyls were done with that kit. I am not knocking the kit, I think it's a great idea, and these are done be me. So maybe someone that has experience porting may have different results. These are my own results. Hope this helps

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I ported my own set a long while back. It worked great, but was pretty ghetto looking. That thing would scream hardcore in every gear but looked like total crap if you saw the ports. Sold that bike a while ago though. I don't think i have any pics either. Never used any template, just took the ol dremel to it.

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We've done a couple sets of cylinders in hoping to find a decent "power place" I guess you would call it. We found that if you go down and away from the center bridge it works the best for bottom/mid, but doesn't help or hurt the top in any major amount. Just go very small amounts and try it, it's amazing how small of a change makes such a big difference in power. But as BigRed350x said, they still look ghetto. :lol:

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I've done some ghetto shit to my banshee in the past with some pretty sweet results. I put a second radiator on it that looked REALLY bad but it dropped temps really good. The port job I did at home we took the center down to a real thin knife edge, then went down, and took a little tiny bit off the top. Did good all the way around. Also did some widening on the transfers.

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I used them. They are too much of a top end porting I found. It would scream in 4th-6th, but 1st-3rd were kinda lacking. These cyls were done with that kit. I am not knocking the kit, I think it's a great idea, and these are done be me. So maybe someone that has experience porting may have different results. These are my own results. Hope this helps




Dont look ghetto at all. Look pretty good. How long did that take you to do? Wouldnt mind trying that myself on a set of cylinders I have laying around. You say its a top end type port? Perfect.

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There is a lot more to it than matching up some templates or grinding to a line as some would say. You should know what that line is doing for you, the timing of the ports at that point relative to crank rotation. You also cannot simply go in and raise banshee transfers to a point and leave them. They need reshaping, I really dont know how people attempt to do it with dremels and dremel attachments. I have the right stuff and it still takes time and sucks. I cant imagine doing it with a dremel. To each his own.

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Dont look ghetto at all.  Look pretty good.  How long did that take you to do?  Wouldnt mind trying that myself on a set of cylinders I have laying around.  You say its a top end type port?  Perfect.



About 6hrs a cylinder, Took my sweet ass time with it as it was my first try at cutting a cylinder

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I've done some ghetto shit to my banshee in the past with some pretty sweet results.  I put a second radiator on it that looked REALLY bad but it dropped temps really good. 


this is off subject but :huh: HTF? just curious. ive never seen it or even heard of that

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