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rocket pipes just ordered!


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i dont know anything about the buisness deal nor do i care to but from what i hear about rockets and from what i have seen of them at LS on locos bike they are kick ass pipes and it sounds to me like they still are when done right i am not bashing anyone but if i had a chance to get a set i would i will probably catch hell for this but ok yhe guy had a string of bad luck if he brings it back around great now i dont know the personal messages sent ot e-mails but some times shit happens and it happened to this guy at a bad time my 02

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better than a soap opera


jeepman paid for a set of pipes and has yet to recieve anything of any quality

that being put it doenst matter how much time or money firemann spends to keep sending him dif pipes and pieces if none of them are up to satisfactory quality


the best part is how you rip everybody a new ass because they THE CUSTOMER arent happy

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Just to let you know, because of your stupidity, I lost over a dozen orders from just people that paid, and couldnt wait any longer for their pipes

good luck with your pipe business

you'll need it, especially with Banshees not being made anymore, i'm sure youll make a million by febuary

Hopefully you found a welded that know how to weld a shipper that knows how to ship

and a chromer that you actually pay


and maybe a case of honesty pills will help you


and a little honest customer support too


and a time when you can return phone calls or emails instead on not ding them


by the way you still owe rusty G for the pipes that you had him ship to California

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in less than a years time the business went from prospering to an all out joke in the industry


whatever the cause might be for its failure its obviously a big ole sinking ship


i honestly cant picture many people ever buying rockets from here on out especially with so many other high quality pipes that are more readily available


and better yet i can buy a set from andy at GRR that is a much more modern and refined design

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