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ms cane rita


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Kinda like people that bitch about earthquakes that live in California.  I mean geez dumbass you live on a fault line what do you expect.  Or living in tornado alley and bitching when a tornado blows through town.  Some people missed the clue bus and got second helpings of stupidity I think sometimes.



Clue Bus... hahaahahahah That's funny.

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As a California native all I can say is; I'll take an occasional earthquake over a hurricane or tornado anytime. I've lived in SoCal for almost 49 years and can only remember three or four that were even bad enough to rattle a window (in and around the area I live) - so far! We've never had so much as a broken dish. Again, so far!


Hurricane SEASON! Torando SEASON! No thanks.


With that said, I REALLY hope you all are okay after all this is over. I personally feel bad for ya'all, really. This must suck. We (I mean the company I work for) have thousands of employees and billions of dollars worth of facilities in the gulf (LA, TX, MS) and literally everybody and everything is getting totally screawed up by all this weather you are having.


Good luck, and I hope you return home to find everything you left intact and safe.

Edited by Rooster
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Maybe two hurricanes hitting the same area will teach all those idiots not to build their houses right on the coast and below sea level.  How many hurricanes come every year?  Take a hint!!  Stop building and re-building right on the coast.  I have no sympathy for any of these dumbasses who chose to live anywhere that these hurricanes keep hitting.  Oh well, mother nature at her finest: Kill off all the dumb ones.



Careful what you wish for . Take a hint!



To my fellow  Louisiana folks good luck and i'll pray for ya'll sense mostly everyone can give a crap less ,so good luck and hope you make it through alright.I'm in Lafayette Louisiana and staying at a friends house along with my family(wife and kids)and we'll hopefully still have a home if it doesn't come more eastward.



Hope you make it through it courville.



Just run over him on your way out after you steal a bunch.  I don't imagine he could aim too well after getting run over.  lol  :evil:


Whole box of stupid...  ROFL  :rotflmao:



Yeah and you get up in the morning and eat retard samiches, no wonder you are so intelligent.


As a California native all I can say is; I'll take an occasional earthquake over a hurricane or tornado anytime.  I've lived in SoCal for almost 49 years and can only remember three or four that were even bad enough to rattle a window (in and around the area I live) - so far! We've never had so much as a broken dish.  Again, so far!


Hurricane SEASON!  Torando SEASON!  No thanks.


With that said, I REALLY hope you all are okay after all this is over.  I personally feel bad for ya'all, really.  This must suck.  We (I mean the company I work for) have thousands of employees and billions of dollars worth of facilities in the gulf (LA, TX, MS) and literally everybody and everything is getting totally screawed up by all this weather you are having.


Good luck, and I hope you return home to find everything you left intact and safe.



Right on, thanks Rooster, everyone involved with the storm needs some prayers.

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I just came in town to check out my house,minor damage so I guess I got lucky ,but the majority of this area is fucked.They are not allowing anyone into

the parish [county] for about two more weeks.I live about 50-60 miles in from the coast so I can only imagine how bad it is there.At least my atvs are ok.Well my generator is low on fuel and I am headed back out of town.




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