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Guest blew duece

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Guest blew duece

this stupid son of a bitch is now claiming the "White Man" blew up the levy to flood New Orleans, to opress the black man........... that stupid bastard is starting to give blacks a bad wrap.......if whitee didnt like blackie we would string that loonie asshole up lickedy split.......catch this asshole on the news and youll laugh your ass off...............

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this stupid son of a bitch is now claiming the "White Man" blew up the levy to flood New Orleans, to opress the black man........... that stupid bastard is starting to give blacks a bad wrap.......if whitee didnt like blackie we would string that loonie asshole up lickedy split.......catch this asshole on the news and youll laugh your ass off...............


Jim Jim Jim,

If he don't stir shit, him, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will have nothing to go on.


Instead of being part of a problem i.e. keeping segregation/seperation alive and spreading racism, they'd have to be gainfully employed doing GOOD for the PEOPLE of the United States.


But for now, perpetuating ideals from the 1850's is paying the rent.....and the child support in Jacksons case.


But in my opinion there are enough smart people out there that these guys won't last too much longer. Only the stupidest of the stupid will be following them and buying into their bullshit.

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Farrakhan believes in black separatism, so what do you expect? He'll take any chance he can find to widen that divide.


I hold him to no higher standard than I do white sepratists, most of whom also believe in white supremacy. I find it interesting that most black sepratists believe the opposite; that there can be no remedy for black advancement within contemporary white-dominated society. Seems so counter-productive to the cause. Well, not to the black seperatist's cause, but to the overall cause of diminishing racism.


I find both viewpoints, that of white supremacists and black sepratists, while opposite, equally damaging. So when I see Farrakhan I get the same bad taste in my mouth as i get when i see skinheads or pointy white robes.


Scary that Farrakhan gets so much more credibility than he deserves.

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Guest blew duece
Jim Jim Jim,

If he don't stir shit, him, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will have nothing to go on.


And that's probably the jist of it Stan, it gets them on the news, 50% of my clients have black skin and ive never really even thought about it, what does that really even mean, im white, he's black? were both standing here behind a recording studio on the 19th of September 2005 in Los Angeles California sharing a joint, I have a picture of my dad and one of his buddies in the Korean War their both standing there with their rifles his buddie is black, my dad made it home his buddie didn't, does that somehow mean whites are better?.......... I don't get the logic in the whole racism trip, I have black clients that pay me in cash and white clients that stiff me for their bill, instead of Martin Luther King, someone should have put a slug in Ol' Lewis, and thanks for spelling that fucking morons name right for me Brooke, your awfully insightful for just being some young hot chic ;):dance::dance:
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And that's probably the jist of it Stan, it gets them on the news, 50% of my clients have black skin and ive never really even thought about it, what does that really even mean, im white, he's black? were both standing here behind a recording studio on the 19th of September 2005 in Los Angeles California sharing a joint, I have a picture of my dad and one of his buddies in the Korean War their both standing there with their rifles his buddie is black, my dad made it home his buddie didn't, does that somehow mean whites are better?.......... I don't get the logic in the whole racism trip, I have black clients that pay me in cash and white clients that stiff me for their bill, instead of Martin Luther King, someone should have put a slug in Ol' Lewis, and thanks for spelling that fucking morons name right for me Brooke, your awfully insightful for just being some young hot chic ;)  :dance:  :dance:


Right on there Jim.

Aint no difference between someone with darker skin and someone with lighter skin. We all have the same capabilities to do something worthwhile, its only whether or not we choose to use our gifts. I know plenty of deadbeats, and their "color" is completely irrelevant.

Same with successful folks. I know plenty of them, and again, color is irrelevant.


This is kind of on/off track, but I know an importer/exporter that was born in China and immigrated here when he was a teenager.

To look at him, you'd think he was a homeless drunk. Always disheveled, looking like he slept in his clothes in a ditch for the last week.


He just looks and smells that way.

Hes a millionare 100 times over, and is who he is. And I can't understand a fucken word he says. Thats my biggest complaint.

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These posts are starting to remind me of african american studies that I took in college. It was taught by a friend of Malcom X's or Malik al shabaz al sha whatever he changed his name to, he was a "little" admittedly biased. I don't care what color you are I'll determine whether I like or dislike you based upon what comes out of your mouth first.

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Fortunately you have a stupid filter if you choose to use it.


Seperatists are great. Riddle me this: If you want seperation, why don't you leave?


Oh, yeah, I guess that makes too much sense.



i do believe it was the nation of islam back in the day that rallied for all blacks to move to africa.

i could be mistaken, so dont hold me to that, but i think thats right around the time malcom x decided to distance himself from them. im too lazy to look it up right now.

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i do believe it was the nation of islam back in the day that rallied for all blacks to move to africa. 

i could be mistaken, so dont hold me to that, but i think thats right around the time malcom x decided to distance himself from them.  im too lazy to look it up right now.


Why yes I do think you are correct.

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Why yes I do think you are correct.


haha good, i hate to look dumb lol


Farrakhan, i believe, wants blacks to have their own seperate part within the U.S. with their own black police, etc etc, kinda like the indians have with their reservations.

again, i could be mistaking him for someone else, if im feeling ambitious ill look it up later.

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haha good, i hate to look dumb lol


Farrakhan, i believe, wants blacks to have their own seperate part within the U.S. with their own black police, etc etc, kinda like the indians have with their reservations. 

again, i could be mistaking him for someone else, if im feeling ambitious ill look it up later.


It wouldn't surprise me. I think Farrakhan is the darker version of Michael Jackson. He's nuttier than a bag of squirrel turds.

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