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Guest blew duece

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see homegirl knows what im saying




i think looks only get you more assholes to sort through.  no offense to the men here. when i speak, present company is excluded, of course.    :lol:



looks only get you so far...most (notice i say most and not all) girls that are super good looking have no personality and are so freakin dumb as to whats goin on the only thing they are good for is sticking a sock in their mouth and taking advantage of them... :lol::shrugani: seriously, ya'll talk about how good looking jessica simpson is but that chicks ignorant ass comments and naive thoughts about life get old real quick...the bad thing is there are guys that are like that too..i've met some guys that are hot as hell...but just freakin dumb...ugh..soooo DUMB!! i guess i just like being around people who are down to earth and like to have fun :cheers:


ok so i vented my thoughts about looks with no personality...its obvious that i have no tolerance for ignorance :notworthy:

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looks only get you so far...most (notice i say most and not all) girls that are super good looking have no personality and are so freakin dumb as to whats goin on the only thing they are good for is sticking a sock in their mouth and taking advantage of them... :lol:  :shrugani: seriously, ya'll talk about how good looking jessica simpson is but that chicks ignorant ass comments and naive thoughts about life get old real quick...the bad thing is there are guys that are like that too..i've met some guys that are hot as hell...but just freakin dumb...ugh..soooo  DUMB!! i guess i just like being around people who are down to earth and like to have fun  :cheers:


ok so i vented my thoughts about looks with no personality...its obvious that i have no tolerance for ignorance  :notworthy:


Ok lets just say we have brad pitt and Donald trump standing side by side... both are broke as can be...your going to pick brad every time cause he's the attractive bad boy, after a few years of f**king brad and he still wont even get up to deliver his papers and you have two kids with him five years later old ugly ass Donald who now has 6 Billion dollars comes up and says "hi sweetheart remember me? I can put those two kids through medical school, get you 3 maids 2 nanny's and you can live in any one of my 12 homes across the country or on the island I own in the Bahamas, the chick starts thinking well I can learn to love this guy for the security, as far as Jessica Simpson goes, guys don't give a shit what she says she's fine as f**k, a guy is attracted to a woman for her looks, she could be the coolest chic on the planet and as soon as she gains a 150 pounds the parties over the guy has to close his eyes and fantasize that, that warm wet feeling he's feeling is Jessica Simpson

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These guys are just as bad as the preachers on TV, scamming money from the people that cant afford it. Those are the people that are too dumb to see the truth, so they follow a leader (such as Farrakhan is) because they feel, "that must be the answer to my plight. Be it a preacher, or a dumbass that wants to rally people on his/her side to follow some dumb belief or thought, so that they can get richer off the poor. I bet 99% of the educated black folks are also laughing at Farrakhan.



That asshole unfortunately is from around here. I actually work with one of his diciples. I refer to him as baby Farrakhan.


I have no trouble with being proud of your race, hell I am, the human race.


I'm amazed we have lasted this long with people like that pissing in their gene puddle. Being a racist is even fine with me in a strange sort of way, a separatist is something I have a bigger problem with. Not liking another person for any reason is a God given right, like it or not. But someone that goes out their way to keep their race separate, and to them at a higher level, has bigger issues than a racist ever will. I work at a very diverse company and people of all races have issues with Lewie. I work with very good people, both black and white. I also work with some shithead, both black and white.


The "N" word to me applies to all races, not just one.

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aint that the truth....i know people of all races that are good and bad.......if your a shit ass it doesnt matter what color you are at that point, ive had ganster rappers pay me in hard cash before i perform any services for them and gospel groups pray before there recording session then write me a bad check for 12 k.........

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aint that the truth....i know people of all races that are good and bad.......if your a shit ass it doesnt matter what color you are at that point, ive had ganster rappers pay me in hard cash before i perform any services for them and gospel groups pray before there recording session then write me a bad check for 12 k.........




Yeah thats the way it goes some times.

I've had similar experiences. Some guy shows up in a panic. Needs this part fixed. Some stupid $40 part for a tractor. We do it just to be nice. We tell him we don't take checks, only cash, so when he comes back be sure to come back with $40 CASH!


He sends his kid back in an hour (yeah..we did his job right there just to be nice about it) with a f**kin check for $40. We told his kid that we told his dad that we don't take checks, promises or credit cards. That leaves only one thing...cash.

The kid says "I'll go get the cash from my dad, and I'll be right back."


That was almost 4 years ago.

We still have his part sitting on a shelf with his invoice.

Think he was gonna pass us a bum check for $40?

If I had a part at a shop that I needed in a hurry, I think I would have called them by now.



Had someone tell me on the phone that they weren't filing for bankruptcy before too. We had $40,000 in PO's sitting on our desk, and we had been doing all of their work for about 2 years. 2 different people gave us their "word" that they werent filing bankruptcy, like we had heard for a few different people.

We deliver the work, 4 days later they call us with some bad news.

They were filing for bankruptcy. Yeah...I don't think you wake up one day and say "I think I'm gonna file for chapter 11 today..."


Way to run a business eh?

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thats why i dont judge people by color, if ive had the misfortune of your dick in my fanny, then hell i got f**ked, and in my life that dick has never shown any specific color, so if i have a friend whos white black asian indian it doesnt matter your my friend till you prove otherwise

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Duece.... I think I'm gonna have to move or something.. every chick i've tried to f**k for the past 2 months is best friends or f**kin the girl that a railed b4 her.... It's not gonna be too long b4 I get chased to south dakota by a gang of bra burners throwing dildos at me the whole way :ph34r: ....




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Duece.... I think I'm gonna have to move or something.. every chick i've tried to f**k for the past 2 months is best friends or f**kin the girl that a railed b4 her.... It's not gonna be too long b4 I get chased to south dakota by a gang of bra burners throwing dildos at me the whole way :ph34r: ....




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