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Guest blew duece

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These guys are just as bad as the preachers on TV, scamming money from the people that cant afford it. Those are the people that are too dumb to see the truth, so they follow a leader (such as Farrakhan is) because they feel, "that must be the answer to my plight. Be it a preacher, or a dumbass that wants to rally people on his/her side to follow some dumb belief or thought, so that they can get richer off the poor. I bet 99% of the educated black folks are also laughing at Farrakhan.


I can go on and on about the televangelists alone, but instead of hating them I laugh and watch the video clip of "The farting preacher", BTW its hillarious. I am sure you can find it on the net somewhere.


F' Farrakhan (oops did I studder?)



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Guest blew duece

ive noticed that any black man that has got off his ass and made something of himself has no bitch with the white man, ask sean combs if he wants to park his SL 600 and go back to Africa, ask snoop dogg if whitie's keepn him down, we should have never drug those fuckers over here from africa, Jesse, Lewis and Al can get on my nuts

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Guest blew duece

this whole thing with whittie forking the black man is absurd, my biz paid 2.6 million in taxes last year so some black twat can get knocked up for the fifth time and raise some son of a bitch who will eventually break into my business, the bitch gets 600 a month for every forking bastard she sires, im looking at my quarterly staments and if i want to pull a stinking hundred grand out of my biz for me for the year bush wants 35 g's of it, and theres indigent bitches drawing 30k in aid from the goverment a year living in a 3 bedroom condo for 300 a month with all the health care the she can use, bar hoping every night looking for the next asshole to knock her up so she can get a raise, i have an employee who claims single no kids i pay him 50 bucks an hour, his paycheck for 2 weeks is 4k after uncle sam reems his asshole he brings home 22 hun every two weeks he makes to much to get any aid and his health plan costs him 600 a month for his wife and kid and the avarage mortgage payment in so cal is 2800 a month, but we are gonna pay around 300 billion to rebuild some freeking city thats in a toilet bowl for fuckers that are all suckin off our taxes.........what a f**king joke this country is........

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this whole thing with whittie forking the black man is absurd, my biz paid 2.6 million in taxes last year so some black twat can get knocked up for the fifth time and raise some son of a bitch who will eventually break into my business, the bitch gets 600 a month for every forking bastard she sires, im looking at my quarterly staments and if i want to pull a stinking hundred grand out of my biz for me for the year bush wants 35 g's of it, and theres indigent bitches drawing 30k in aid from the goverment a year living in a 3 bedroom condo for 300 a month with all the health care the she can use, bar hoping every night looking for the next asshole to knock her up so she can get a raise, i have an employee who claims single no kids i pay him 50 bucks an hour, his paycheck for 2 weeks is 4k after uncle sam reems his asshole he brings home 22 hun every two weeks he makes to much to get any aid  and his health plan costs him 600 a month for his wife and kid and the avarage mortgage payment in so cal is 2800 a month, but we are gonna pay around 300 billion to rebuild some freeking city thats in a toilet bowl for fuckers that are all suckin off our taxes.........what a f**king joke this country is........


Man...I thought the $4K in monthly corporation taxes I pay hurt. I can't imagine seeing a check made out to the Internal Revenue Service for 2.6mil.

The f**k of it all is the charge they bill YOU for, for collecting it.



If we quit giving trillions to countries for "hush" money to keep the from fighting, to feed them even though they hate us for no apparent reason, reformed our own welfare system so that it worked more than .0004% of the time (my older sister is the only one I've met that never abused the system. 2 years on it after a divorce, then she was on her own after that. Now she makes 3 times what I do) we wouldn't have to pay quite so much in taxes, and that would only improve the economy. I know when I have money to spend, that shit gets spent.

But, those of us that wish to invest, actually could. That would only help the economy as well.


The people I blame for the shit that plagues us are the people that "care" more about someone elses feelings, than the situation at hand. Don't want to offend anyone, because apparently telling someone to "eat shit, get your own," is offensive, and therefore....I dunno....maybe its illegal.

You should see the looks I get when someone puts the bum on me on the way into a store and I ignore them. Apparently I owe them something, and I didn't fullfill my end of the deal.


Yeah, I think it might be illegal to offend someone by denying them what they haven't earned.

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Guest blew duece

i cry when i write them bastards a check, i try to pay quarterly so it doesnt sting as bad, but the whole system is terribly screwed, i have a plan though Stan tell me what you think..........1...instead of paying uncle sam , draw a million in hundred dollar bills from the bank..........2........hire a film crew.......3.....rent a santa claus suit.............4.......walk the streets of LA with a film crew documenting me handing out 100 bills to the homeless bums....5.........the catch is every 100 i hand out put 500 100 bills aside.....6.......tell uncle sam i donated his mil......7....purchase a "Ronco" "Seal a Meal"...8......dig a hole in my backyard and stash my new found wealth, until i retire...........9.....in around 15 years i will have a nice little nest egg (that i earned)......10.....hope to christ the bastards dont catch me......11.......id hate to end up in prison for stealing my own money.......... :yank:

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Blew Deuce,Thats just about the best realistic rant I've heard in months.Hey look who just became a new member NAACP Racing...J/k :D

It was news to us all watching the tube and finding out just where our money is going in this country. Sucks that it took a killer storm for these things to surface.Do you think you would have been better off kept in the dark?

Looks like the government forgot to jiggle the handle after they flushed.

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i cry when i write them bastards a check, i try to pay quarterly so it doesnt sting as bad, but the whole system is terribly screwed, i have a plan though Stan tell me what you think..........1...instead of paying uncle sam , draw a million in hundred dollar bills from the bank..........2........hire a film crew.......3.....rent a santa claus suit.............4.......walk the streets of LA with a film crew documenting me handing out 100 bills to the homeless bums....5.........the catch is every 100 i hand out put 500 100 bills aside.....6.......tell uncle sam i donated his mil......7....purchase a "Ronco" "Seal a Meal"...8......dig a hole in my backyard and stash my new found wealth, until i retire...........9.....in around 15 years i will have a nice little nest egg (that i earned)......10.....hope to christ the bastards dont catch me......11.......id hate to end up in prison for stealing my own money.......... :yank:


Thats the most brilliant fscking idea I've heard in years.


Where you gonna dig your hole at again? I'll help you bury it if you want. :)

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i swear im so tempted to tell uncle sam to jump in a lake..why not just help the people that need it myself, with my tax money, you can still write it off your taxes in full, and tuck away something because if i just put some cash in the bank for my retirement the goverment will take half or more of that, then everthing i buy with my remaining 40% ill pay tax again, i mean dont get me wrong im not against paying my share if i added up in tax what ive paid since i started my biz in 1982 id probally shoot myself i really dont even want to know it has to be somewhere around 30 million dollars, and thats what i get for working my ass to the goddamm bone, missing half the shit my small kids have done as they grow up while im working 16 hours a day, but if i made 10 bucks an hour id be getting my ass stretched just as bad as we all are, and we get ALL presidents that just shell out our tax money like it was freakin candy........... :flush:

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definately overdue for some reform.

i always think of my aunt telling me about the day some social services chick showed up at her door. at the time my aunt was a single mother, living alone with a young son. the social services woman was trying to get my aunt to sign up for state aid, food stamps and such. my aunt politely said, thanks for your concern, but i dont need it, im a nurse and i make enough to support myself and my son....well that lead to a heated argument with the woman, who started insisting she sign up, the more people who sign up for aid, the more money the state gets blah blah. my aunt said the state kept sending different people over and over trying to get her on it. wtf does that tell you about the system??

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