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Why Rocket pipes suck


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Guest blew duece

i say fuck mr. ray he's allways been a high digit prick.......... ive seen him try to pawn shit off ive thrown away, on fuckers for high dollar, you can stick that rocket crap up your ass, how about a good ol set of CPI's? i got his fuckin rocket swingin between my legs......

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After reading this whole thread, I have come to the conclusion that Firemanhot has been fucked over since the begining. What it looks like to me, is that there are plenty of pipes made and the connection from the buyer to Firemanhot has not been made. It would seem that ray "the middleman" has been slacking off just as much as Firemanhot.


Now, to discuss whether or not Firemanhot knows anything about running a business is completely unnecessary. Anyone who wants to bring the inner workings and problems of a company to the public view knows much less than Firemanhot. Why on earth would you create a thread like this? Not only are you bringing personal squabbles to the front but you are also making yourself look bad by not being able to handle your disagreements on your own. This should not be a popularity contest.


My next question would be, why in the hell does Rocketman have 4 sets of pipes to sell? Unless he bought them from Firemanhot, he has no right to try and sell them anymore. If the sale of the business was legit, then Firemanhot would have exclusive rights to sell products under the name "Rocket Pipes". Therefore, there will be no second generation "Rocket Pipe" coming out in October. That in and of itself would be a copyright infringement, and with a thread like this, there would be no doubt in my mind whether or not I would take people to court over this.


You all need to grow up and handle your own shit with out trying to influence anybodys opinion of anything. I don't give a shit if you feel this is a matter of free speech. This is a matter of decency toward another person. Plus this is just pathetic. Not everybody needs to know this kind of shit. Why the fuck can people not keep personal drama off the fucking boards? Nobody cares, figure this shit out for yourself.


I'm out



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After reading this whole thread, I have come to the conclusion that Firemanhot has been fucked over since the begining.  What it looks like to me, is that there are plenty of pipes made and the connection from the buyer to Firemanhot has not been made.  It would seem that ray "the middleman" has been slacking off just as much as Firemanhot.


Now, to discuss whether or not Firemanhot knows anything about running a business is completely unnecessary.  Anyone who wants to bring the inner workings and problems of a company to the public view knows much less than Firemanhot.  Why on earth would you create a thread like this?  Not only are you bringing personal squabbles to the front but you are also making yourself look bad by not being able to handle your disagreements on your own.  This should not be a popularity contest. 


My next question would be, why in the hell does Rocketman have 4 sets of pipes to sell?  Unless he bought them from Firemanhot, he has no right to try and sell them anymore.  If the sale of the business was legit, then Firemanhot would have exclusive rights to sell products under the name "Rocket Pipes".  Therefore, there will be no second generation "Rocket Pipe" coming out in October.  That in and of itself would be a copyright infringement, and with a thread like this, there would be no doubt in my mind whether or not I would take people to court over this.


You all need to grow up and handle your own shit with out trying to influence anybodys opinion of anything.  I don't give a shit if you feel this is a matter of free speech.  This is a matter of decency toward another person.  Plus this is just pathetic.  Not everybody needs to know this kind of shit.  Why the fuck can people not keep personal drama off the fucking boards?  Nobody cares, figure this shit out for yourself.


I'm out




this is personal chris but you mentioned me so!

when i sold the rocket design, JUST THE DESIGN to fireman hott i had 25 sets left over out of the last 100 i ordered, that was discussed between chris and i and now im done with rockets!(once these last 4 sell) i will have nothing more to do with them, that is unless chris wants a new design! i am a fair person, every time you guys had an issue with your rockets, i was the one to fix them, ray and i worked as a team, he dealt with you guys and i dealt with the pipes and him and it worked good for us! chris is gonna do fine and i have faith in what hes doing considering what hes got going on, as for new rocket pipes, i made a promise to chris i wouldnt do rocket 2 or 3 or 9, if i did, i would feel like i worked @ grand river racing or something! we wouldnt dwell or copy others stuff like rockets, we have the ability to gain and go on! in fact i dont think im gona be rocketman any more! i love you guys :cry: and wish rockets make it to the moon! :bolt::headbang::cheers:

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After reading this whole thread, I have come to the conclusion that Firemanhot has been fucked over since the begining.  What it looks like to me, is that there are plenty of pipes made and the connection from the buyer to Firemanhot has not been made.  It would seem that ray "the middleman" has been slacking off just as much as Firemanhot.


Now, to discuss whether or not Firemanhot knows anything about running a business is completely unnecessary.  Anyone who wants to bring the inner workings and problems of a company to the public view knows much less than Firemanhot.  Why on earth would you create a thread like this?  Not only are you bringing personal squabbles to the front but you are also making yourself look bad by not being able to handle your disagreements on your own.  This should not be a popularity contest. 


My next question would be, why in the hell does Rocketman have 4 sets of pipes to sell?  Unless he bought them from Firemanhot, he has no right to try and sell them anymore.  If the sale of the business was legit, then Firemanhot would have exclusive rights to sell products under the name "Rocket Pipes".  Therefore, there will be no second generation "Rocket Pipe" coming out in October.  That in and of itself would be a copyright infringement, and with a thread like this, there would be no doubt in my mind whether or not I would take people to court over this.


You all need to grow up and handle your own shit with out trying to influence anybodys opinion of anything.  I don't give a shit if you feel this is a matter of free speech.  This is a matter of decency toward another person.  Plus this is just pathetic.  Not everybody needs to know this kind of shit.  Why the fuck can people not keep personal drama off the fucking boards?  Nobody cares, figure this shit out for yourself.


I'm out






I couldn't have said it better, but I was going to try. Thanks for saving me the time.

I can't believe that Rocketman29 would jack this thread trying to make a last buck off of the business that he no longer has rights to profit from. Oh, but he did say he's "sorry Chris"...that's a lot of support right there.


By the way Fireman, I think you did an adequate job of explaining the situation that you are dealing with. For Ray to drag you through the mud publicly and then simultaneously hype how he is working on a new pipe with a new supplier is just doubly wrong. If he wanted to work with someone else to develop a new pipe to increase his product line and subsequent profit margin because he was unhappy with your current rate of supply, he could have done so without totally trashing you publicly <_< .


Hang in there Chris. Maybe you should ditch the dancing hitler though in case it

carries bad karma or something. :shrugani:

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BE PROFESSIONAL.I agree with the guys on here that said this whole situation could have been handled better than venting on this forum.Everyone gets upset from time to time.It's how you deal with it that's important.Do any of us always deal with things the right way.Of course not,but you guys have a business on the line.I wouldn't buy a set of pipes from you with all this instability of your company being told on this forum.I do think this company can be turned around.Fireman sounds like he's going through an awful time.Not saying he's done nothing wrong,but as far as any of them goes,we probably don't know the whole story.Hope things get better for all of you guys.Best of luck to all of ya.Some of the best things you can do for your company is to try to work out your differences.Consider what the other guy is going through.Keep private arguements private.I think we all need to learn these lessons.Just my 2 cents.

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well, i wasnt gonna add to this thread, but i just cant help myself.

i run a business, and work closely with one other person in particular, and if he posted our private business dealings on a public forum, hed be screwed into next tuesday.

ray shot himself in the foot on this one. youve ruined your credibility with anyone who has half a brain. hope the clark boys' purchases can pay your bills, cause i think they are your only fans. talk about unprofessional. im shocked. and to plug your next generation product, insulting to everyone here.

fireman, might i suggest adding a confidentiality statement signature to your emails. and stop replying to his public posts. you two are worse than a couple of bitches, arguing back and forth.

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well, i wasnt gonna add to this thread, but i just cant help myself.

i run a business, and work closely with one other person in particular, and if he posted our private business dealings on a public forum, hed be screwed into next tuesday.

ray shot himself in the foot on this one. youve ruined your credibility with anyone who has half a brain. hope the clark boys' purchases can pay your bills, cause i think they are your only fans.  talk about unprofessional. im shocked.  and to plug your next generation product, insulting to everyone here. 

fireman, might i suggest adding a confidentiality statement signature to your emails.  and stop replying to his public posts. you two are worse than a couple of bitches, arguing back and forth.




Well said. Everything I have thought about Rocket Pipes has been proved in this thread. banghead

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well, i wasnt gonna add to this thread, but i just cant help myself.

i run a business, and work closely with one other person in particular, and if he posted our private business dealings on a public forum, hed be screwed into next tuesday.



Very true.

Business and personal should be held at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Thats the number one reason why I've never hired any friends, even though I've been asked 09439873295873405 times for a fuckin job over the last 10 years.


And if I ever hire someone, I'll be their at-work buddy to a point, and as much as I might want to, or they want me too, I won't become close friends with someone I've hired. Its a harsh reality, but its an important ingredient of a successful business.

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Only reason I made this thread was because all my customers are pissed at me because I cannot deliver the pipes

I told chris I wanted 10 sets of pipes the day he got the business, and I havent seen one since, so that why I figgured it was done


I'll give Chris one more try, if he get pipes to my customers, and pipes to me, we are all game in the game



If he can start shipping me nice pipes, when I need them, we'll have a helluva business again!


Rocket pipes still perform the same

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