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Banshee or dirtbike


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Holy crap, what hostility! Nobody sees the point in the dry humored post I made? Jesus. No sarcasm allowed I guess. I never said anthing about being bestowed with the power to be a smart ass. My first pick WAS a banshee. I'd wanted one since I rode my buddy's back in 97. I figured a 35 year old man who's ridden before could make the call... and come up with a better insult than "ahomo". Especially with cum in his handle. :yank:

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Holy crap, what hostility!  Nobody sees the point in the dry humored post I made?  Jesus.  No sarcasm allowed I guess.  I never said anthing about being bestowed with the power to be a smart ass.  My first pick WAS a banshee.  I'd wanted one since I rode my buddy's back in 97.  I figured a 35 year old man who's ridden before could make the call... and come up with a better insult than "ahomo".  Especially with cum in his handle. :yank:


its kind of hard to recognize "dry humor" over an internet forum...especially when its not funny at all :yank:

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I'm lucky, I bought my new Banshee 3 years ago (had a beat up '95 I bought used, meant abused, before that), but this year bought a new KTM 200exc for trail riding. To me, I got the best of both worlds.


I can't agree that dirtbikes a more maintence then atv's. Both of my machines are two strokes, neither one goes thru plugs. My bike is for trailriding, where as the motocross bikes used for trailriding, may tend to load up, not being tuned for that kind of riding. Can't say that one is more fun then the other to ride either. Hope that I never have to choose which one to get rid of, cause I like both.

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Getting ready to buy a Banshee or cr250. Have never owned and atv or motorcroos bike. I am for the most part going to be riding trails. I am trying to decide which one is more fun. Any suggestions.



Everyone here has made good points. In the end the overall decision is going to be yours. For my first ever off road vehicle was my '98 CR250 that I bought from a guy who raced it in the local races and yes it was fast. I have never ridden a dirt bike before and I think I made the correct decision. If I had bought a 125 I would have out grown the bike experience wise within 2 months. My 250 has only fouled maybe 5 plugs and that was when I learning how to ride it. Mine does not like the lower RPMS, it likes the higher RPMS, as most 2 stokes do. I have had no problems with my 250 what so ever mechanically, it has been a dream in that aspect. I also have a 99 banshee that I love as well. Even though I bought it 3 months ago and yet to ride it on the track because of a stupid airleak I could find untril 2 days ago it has been easy to work on. If you are going to do mainly trail riding in the higher elevations the 4 stroke would be the way to go because you won' t have to fiddle with the jetting like you would on the 2 strokes. The bigger cc 4 strokes are more forgiving for a first time bike and you can still keep up with the big dogs when you want to. I have both 2 strokes and 4 strokes in my garage so I have ecperience on both just like most people on this site. Ultimately.....If you get a Banshee, 250cc, 450cc or any bike with some balls just respect the power it has and you'll be ok. Before you go out on the trails take the thing out and ride it and do do certain things so see what the bike will do and how it reacts and how you react to what it's doing so you'll be prepared on the trails so you don't get hurt. Sorry if this was long. Good luck and have fun on when ever you buy

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id prolly go witha cr250 for trails..or say fuck it and step right on up to a cr500 :evil:


Thats what I'd do! Your only going to get as much power as you twist the throttle. A 125 is way too enemic to haul a 200 +lb guy around and not blow up from being rode all day with a pinned throttle. My uncles YZ 450F seemed pretty decent in the trails but very underpowered to me in the dunes. If I got a bike it would be a CR or KX 500. That being said, I'm 30 years old and I'm getting kinda lazy for riding bikes. Its a lot harder to relax and just cruise around when you want to compared to a quad. It seams a lot easier to lay a bike over and hurt yourself as well. Although, back in the day when I was about 17 to 20 years old I had a Husky 510 and I had a lot of fun on that bike. There are some trails that you can only do on a bike and for jumps bikes rule, although my biggest jumps ever were on the banshee in the dunes, not a dirtbike. But half of the fun of a quad is slidding it sideways and you just dont get that on a bike. Mantenace on a banshee is not bad either. Late model 250cc 2 stroke motorcross bikes require way more freequent top end rebuilds than a shee, but either way is not all that hard or expensive. My Husky 510 sucked a valve screwing the piston and head. Would have cost $1500 to repair, so bike became a scrap heap that I never salvaged.

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If you have enough $ you could always buy both, that what I would do anyway  :cheers:  They are both great fun to ride.




I think you are right. I cant believe iI waited until 35 to get into this sport (riding is a blast), just was never around anything to do with off road. I will go with the Banshee and try and pick up a used bike next spring so i will have both. I bought the kids a 90cc and I would be able to ride around with them more. l appreciate all the help from the HQ it made my decision easier.

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