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A new take on NO


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good article gimmeabeer. that is what I have been saying all along. gov. been handing these people there checks and stamps(chunk of cheese) for at least 40 years. They are doing exactly what they were bred to do. can't blame them, this is there life. What needs to be asked of government whitey is "WHY THE F**K ARE YOU DOING THIS ?"

If you can't get on your feet after 40 years, you might not fit into this equation any longer. Yet whitey keeps building "hatcheries" all over the place, just adding to the situation. Where else can you be rewarded for more and more offspring that you can't possibly take care of. Living in "AMERICA", as James Brown would say.


Now they won't get on the cruise ships they been hollering about that were comissioned for the "rescue". I personally think they should be MANDITORY LOADED on them and set on a course very far south. Get a real taste of home.

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Very good info. ill post it whereever i can. they bused in 3000 people here in AZ. And I heard on the radio this morning that huge companines are offering up jobs to these people to start a new life. Intel was one and genral dynamics. And then this guys called in right after they said that because intel had laid off like some 6000 people from two diffrent plants here.he was pissed cause he still needed a job. jsut cause something bad happend to them dosent mean give them hand outs. dam are markets are being flooded by people from Californa and Mexico. they said by 2010 that there will be more Californians in AZ than any other group.

and now they are handing out jobs to these fu#kers dam.

Edited by redcell43
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which city brad?  better be OKC, thats the last we need is them govt moochin fuckers in there.


Nice read...


They are sending a shit load of them to Camp Gruber in Braggs. 10th-12th graders are going to Tahlequah high school (the school district I live in, but I go to another high school ). And K-9 are going to Muskogee, but I think the paper said they would be going at night.

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I'm from Lafayette Louisiana and we have some evacuees in the cajun dome there were roumers about random acts of violence starting to happen around town so needless to say gun sales have went through the roof.I went to pick up some ammo and all the had left for 9mm were police use only but they still sold them to me.It's getting crazy and will only get worse i assume.

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I'm from Lafayette Louisiana and we have some evacuees in the cajun dome there were roumers about random acts of violence starting to happen around town so needless to say gun sales have went through the roof.I went to pick up some ammo and all the had left for 9mm were police use only but they still sold them to me.It's getting crazy and will only get worse i assume.




I feel for you bro, I hope you get to hang on to your weapons. I hear the man is confiscating all non law enforcement personal weaponary in N.O.. I say that is a big mistake. Good luck.

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its a lot to read and im on meds but I can tell you that Not only are MRE's not bad food but that snobby bitch can suck the snotty end of my fuckstick for rejecting them, I have lived off of them for over a year collectivly while fighting for her freedom, So is she saying that they are good enough for me but not for her, FUCK her, She should have left when she had the chance, I hope she starves

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Natural solection I like to belive in that. ignorance and laziness are unforgivable from what ive seen they had there chance to leave they didnt take it there own fault. besides who the hell builds a city at 7 foot or whatever the hell it is under sea level and expects it not to flood like that. I shure as hell wouldnt live there.


i say implament martial law you want to act like animals let um be treted as such :angry:

Edited by yama_dog_350
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