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kanye west just said


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How about punctuation, capitalization, and grammer? Do you understand that?


What he is saying is that your posts are horrible to read. You may have a point, but no one is going to see it when you posts look like someone puked alphabet soup on the screen.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm writing that down.


Remember kids. Proper grammar is the difference between "I helped my uncle Jack, off a horse." to "i helped my uncle jack off a horse"

Edited by Chemical Castration
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How do you figure that :angry: These people had warning, 911 was a attack!!!!! like everyone else said some chose to stay behind, and are whining about not being helped when it was their own fucking fault. Tthe ones that say they were to poor to leave doesnt make any sense, IMO they are usuing poverty their excuse for staying behind, Not all of them but some.


Because this is a much larger area, your talkin 3 states. And im sick of people sayin its Bush fault. Thats bullshit, there is not shit any pres. could do anything about it. So thats how i figure that, have a nice f#cking day!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

Edited by Banshee 79
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Because this is a much larger area, your talkin 3 states. And im sick of people sayin its Bush fault. Thats bullshit, there is not shit any pres. could do anything about it. So thats how i figure that, have a nice f#cking day!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:



I understad the monetary stand point of the damage, Im talking about the life loss and the circumstances of the situation. I never once said it was Bushes fault, I dont see how he would have any control of the rescue efforts and basic aid. As for taking care of everything afterward yes that is where he needs to step in. And have and nice f#cking day yourself j/p what are you getting so excited about???

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Yeah it is funny considering Clinton's people are the ones pointing the the finger of blame at Bush http://factcheck.org/article.aspx?docID=344 But I'm sure they make a bunch of false accusations with little evidence to back it up because they truly care about us right? :rotflmao:




wow sounds just like a michael moore movie to me


what a joke that man is

only reports the side that shows his point and most of it being leading to conclusions

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This is the way I see it...


1. They gave the people in the storms path plenty of notice to get the fuck out of dodge.

2. It takes time to get supplies together, Bush is not magic.

3. How can we help them when some of them are shooting at us?

4. It was a class 5 hurricane, the highest level there is....get the fuck out of the way!


Brooke :notworthy:

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Didnt that kanye homo almost die in a car crash or some shit. Damn almost :D

If he wants to be so critical of other peoples actions, why doesnt he get some of his "homies" or "souljahs" and go give the stupidasses that stayed food and water.

Anyone else see where those people in the superdome were shitting everywhere and fucking everywhere, tell me thats not sick.

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