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How pissed do the looters in N.O. make you

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i knew i was on to something, thats a great plan, you wont need the disability pay you can threaten to tell my wife and i can kick down thousands a month to keep you from telling her, when your not full of dick you can shop and see the sites, maybe meet at noon for some (dick) lunch, then when your done with lunch you can have some (dick) desert, and around dinner time maybe some dick before you go out clubbing with your new found friends, then when you get home ofcourse somemore dick, im doing the math now, around 15k a month should cut it........ :jesterlaugh:


hey this could work. but i require breakfast (dick) too.

in return i'll promise to stay thin, and only speak when spoken to.

we're so smart. B)

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Guest blew duece
but i require breakfast (dick) too. 


i thought about breakfast, (i kinda like to be woke up dick first) but with your new schedule, you wont be rolling in till 5am, just in time for some protien before i leave for the studio, and you dont want to be late for your 1pm class(in my office)(fellatio 101) so take advantage of the studios coffee bar (i like my students awake and perky) and ill need to add you to our group medical plan, so we can have your tonsils removed, (dont worry just a formality) all i'll need is your full name and a SS# to get you on the payroll, sorry about the taxes this is america we all have to pay them.................. :dance:

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Just when I was starting to fell sorry for the refugee's, screw them all..


I live in a very small rural town, There are 250 refugee here that I know of prob. double our population., I am starting to fear the safety of my wife and children..



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im glad they are charging the owners of that nursing home with murder.  that shit got to me.


Utah must have gotten all the good refugees.

A few have left due to the dominant religeon though.


Nothing in the news other than people hiring the refugees, and the kids starting to attend the schools here for a while.


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