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How pissed do the looters in N.O. make you

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How freaking stupid they are. Shoot at the ambulance chopper hauling people out - then bitch because they won't fly in and help. Wouldn't risk my life for ungrateful assholes trying to shoot at me.


suzuki0702: I can understand your loss of faith in this country, but - a lot of the crap that happens is because of the level of freedom we have. It's a tradeoff - live in a country that's free free free... but have to deal with the assholes that are always trying to get something for nothing. Its a tradeoff...

Edited by nater006
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Guest blew duece
This is pissing me off these people are in the middle of a natural disaster

i hear ya man those sons of bitches.........but a natural disaster is when you think your gonna fart and shit yourself instead, not when you build a city below sea level next to the fuckin ocean..........

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Guest blew duece

hehehehehe im glad you got a little tickle outta that brookie......but come on when the french owned it it flooded then the british had it and it flooded, now its america and its flooded...HELLO its a fucking flood zone!!!! jesus i have a home on the coast of cali i think when the tide rolls out ill go stand a concrete wall up and build a house in front of it, then when the tide rolls back in and takes my pad ill piss and moan that im in a natural disaster......i say bullshit only a fuckin moron would live in that shit hole waiting to be swept away by a fuckin flood....if we have to pay to rebuild that shit, im gonna put my 45 to my head...... :dance::dance::dance:

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ill bet you ass they will rebuild.

i never understood the thought process of living below sea level right next to the ocean....not like we are running out of room to live in this country. hell, even in florida, property values are going UP where homes were just wiped out. all excited theres finally empty lots to build on... :huh: fuck that. i live near the ocean, and the veiws/recreation or whatever draws people to it sure as hell wouldnt be worth it if this area were prone to hurricanes/flooding.

and hell, its one thing to live there, its a whole other thing to know there is even a THREAT of a hurricane, and not get outta dodge immediately. id be hoofin it at the first sign of dew in the mornin.


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fuck it let them fuck themselves down there we shouldnt send any federal aide or anything to them untill they figure out that all they are doing is making the situation worse for the entire state. i say let them loot. and when there isnt shit left they are going to start crying to the media that they are all victoms and noone wants to help. at that point we show them the video of some dumb fuck steeling all the relief supplys and the red cross food and shit and tell them sorry but you fucked yourself..what kind of stupid ass loots the store around the corner from their own home?? hey i got an idea lets all go to our local grocery store and loot the shit out of it maby then the stores will be willing to help some more..better yet with gas prices being so high lets just burn down all the gas stations... anyone se my point here?????


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hehehehehe im glad you got a little tickle outta that brookie......but come on when the french owned it it flooded then the british had it and it flooded, now its america and its flooded...HELLO its a fucking flood zone!!!! jesus i have a home on the coast of cali i think when the tide rolls out ill go stand a concrete wall up and build a house in front of it, then when the tide rolls back in and takes my pad ill piss and moan that im in a natural disaster......i say bullshit only a fuckin moron would live in that shit hole waiting to be swept away by a fuckin flood....if we have to pay to rebuild that shit, im gonna put my 45 to my head...... :dance:  :dance:  :dance:


Just like those guys that live in the mountains surrounded by pine trees. Every year the woods burn and every year there's some guy with a hose trying to hold back the flames. They should just sell their million dollar crib and move to a nice concrete highrise.

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hey all, I knew this thread would be on here when I got back. I have been caught in the storm and have survived. Nothing serious, no power, and gas is a bitch to find. Trees on top of the house, and I am 180 miles from the coast. Just scored a generator from my bud at the lake, right on!!. Thought I'd pop in and see what you all had to say. I see everyone of you that commented on this topic have never been in a hurricane before. How does a 12 hour continuous freakin' storm grab your ass? It ain't perty, believe me baby. This sombicth had some BALLS!!! We been through plenty of 80 mile winds before now and never had a tree to fall, but this one took out two big oaks and laid em on my roof. No damage, just a hassle, a few shingles. I live in the woods with 100ft tall trees surrounding my house. I got lucky. Power might be back on in 10-14 days. Damn gas prices went out the freakin roof. I haven't even thought about getting in one of those gas lines. I got all my shit before it hit and I think I can hang till it is cooled off around here. Nationwise, I don't believe the balls of the feaking guvment to think nobody will stand up against these ridiculous gas prices. We don't have a choice down here right now. I'm just gonna chill with my ole friend Jack, and I invite anyone to do the same. :cheers:


Looters. Hah. What the hell y'all worried about. You haven't ever lived with these leaches. What the hell you got to say about it? We didn't ask for this shart. Your guvment thought it would be a good idea to give em every f%&king thing they needed to live. They have had their hand out too long for the chunk of cheese and they don't know how to live for themselves.


What is wild about all of this is that 90% of my co workers say the same thing y'all do: kill em all. That's crazy talk. There ain't nothing down there that is worth a damn. If they need food so be it, i hope it's not tainted. They can't use anything they loot, it is just bred in to them to do what they do. there isn't anything that we can do that will come close to what God will do when the time comes. Just pray for us all. And remember, the Rebel loves ya, whether ya know it or not. :D

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the smart ones left the area cause they heard of impending doom so its stands to reason its the dumbfucks are the ones drowning, dying ,surrounded by shit and corpses , s o lets just go ahead and back fil l the worthlesss water pit called new orleans i n with massive quantitys of dirt and start over fresh with new people who are smart and have jobs and are able bodied humans not looting pathetic primates who steal fuckin tvs when they have no house,clothes ,belongings , much less electricty :cheers:

Edited by rocketboy
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