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How pissed do the looters in N.O. make you

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This is pissing me off these people are in the middle of a natural disaster and there not out helping people there off stealing cloths and jewerlry from others. I could see if you were taking food, but money and peoples belonging. These peole should be out helping find people instead of shit that blings. We should shoot ALL of these looters its a shame that a lot of good people were hurt and these crooks and scum was spared.


Sorry but when I watch this tragedy on tv these assholes piss me off. Id like to walk around with a shotgun and kill these ass holes there making this tragedy way worse. :angry::angry::angry:

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Yea thats pretty pathetic...like its bad enough after their homes have been destroyed....and then other people thinking, how can we make their lives more crappy...oh lets go steal the only stuff they have left....

Edited by Dinner
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to where we should throw them out to sea. yea i watched a video of two people pushing out 2 fully loaded shoping carts from walmart.And no offence but they were black. go to msn video they have another one where this guys find a little 50 dirt bike. he just picks it up and gose on his happy way and he was white.

Edited by redcell43
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What pisses me off even more is the liberal news reporters saying things like "People taking food"


Anyfood that was there is either under 20 feet of shitty water, or is starting to rot being its 90 degrees and humid as fuck there.


They are stealing anything that isn't nailed down.

What needs to happen, is the National Guard needs to start shooting the looters. Make an example out of them.

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yea seriously. i saw some dude with a raft full of loot. balancing a couple shoe boxes high on his pile, walkin down the street. right in front of everyone. these people have no shame. its unfuckingbelievable.

i almost died laughing when some news anchor was talking to a state police woman...the anchor said

"now is it hard to tell which are just mothers taking food for their children?"

the police woman was like...

"....uhh....well.... when someones walking down the street holding a television set...its pretty obvious thats not a mother taking food for her kids"

i could tell the cop was wanting to slam her head into a wall. my god. news anchors are so dumb.

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yea seriously.  i saw some dude with a raft full of loot. balancing a couple shoe boxes high on his pile, walkin down the street. right in front of everyone. these people have no shame. its unfuckingbelievable.

i almost died laughing when some news anchor was talking to a state police woman...the anchor said

"now is it hard to tell which are just mothers taking food for their children?"

the police woman was like...

"....uhh....well.... when someones walking down the street holding a television set...its pretty obvious thats not a mother taking food for her kids"

i could tell the cop was wanting to slam her head into a wall.  my god. news anchors are so dumb.


Brooke, that was the news anchor trying to bait the officer into saying "I don't know. I beat all of them"

Then the cops are the bad guy, and we aren't doing enough blah blah....


I saw a cop on Fox News knock some dude over with his loot into 3 feet of water. Its ruined if he still wants to get it, and then the cop just moved on to the next one. They said the police station was under water anyway, so they're just trying to do what they can.




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Brooke, that was the news anchor trying to bait the officer into saying "I don't know. I beat all of them"

Then the cops are the bad guy, and we aren't doing enough blah blah....


I saw a cop on Fox News knock some dude over with his loot into 3 feet of water. Its ruined if he still wants to get it, and then the cop just moved on to the next one. They said the police station was under water anyway, so they're just trying to do what they can.






bahahahaha thats freakin awesome hahahahha

i saw one cop with a big shotgun grabbin people by the shirts, all, "hey get over there" tryin to round em up. just shoot em. really. or knock em down, and stand on their chests, opps, drowned in the flood waters. :shrugani:

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I read a story yesterday about a cop that loaded up a cart with a personal computer and a flatscreen TV. He said he lost communication with his commander so he didn't know what to do anymore. They also said that the cops were nice enough to use their baton to break the glass on the DVD cases so the people wouldn't get cut when they did it.

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Just seen on the news that looters are walking around with rifles, robbing people at gun point, stealing cars and shooting at police and guardsmen.


Can't wait until tonight. Hopefully full on military will come in and take them out. I'm sure an Apache or 2 could do it. :)


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Just seen on the news that looters are walking around with rifles, robbing people at gun point, stealing cars and shooting at police and guardsmen.


Can't wait until tonight. Hopefully full on military will come in and take them out. I'm sure an Apache or 2 could do it. :)



thats fuckin wack. ppl are stupid...

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It does look fun. I would think about doing it if i was there, but I would think of how bad it would be for when the people come back to find their store and hundreds of dollars worth of merchendise gone and not. but what would you do if you came across some place that was already being looted, if you dont take it other people will and the owner wont see it again in the first place, I guess thats how it escalates and they should make sure it dosent start in the first place. Especialy when it comes to people carrying guns and shoothing at each ohter and police, more than likely would wasnt to avoid it in the first place to start with. So i agree, Even tho it is tempting your all right wiht how they should just start shooting at them. I saw a wallmart on the news, lights and every thing on, no hurricane dammage but the inside was torn apart with people riding bikes through what was left of the isles.

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It does look fun. I would think about doing it if i was there, but I would think of how bad it would be for when the people come back to find their store and hundreds of dollars worth of merchendise gone and not. but what would you do if you came across some place that was already being looted, if you dont take it other people will and the owner wont see it again in the first place, I guess thats how it escalates and they should make sure it dosent start in the first place. Especialy when it comes to people carrying guns and shoothing at each ohter and police, more than likely would wasnt to avoid it in the first place to start with. So i agree, Even tho it is tempting your all right wiht how they should just start shooting at them. I saw a wallmart on the news, lights and every thing on, no hurricane dammage but the inside was torn apart with people riding bikes through what was left of the isles.


doesnt matter if other people are already doin it, or if the store owners are never gonna see the stuff again, or if the stuff will be ruined even if its not taken....stealing is wrong, thats why you dont do it. have you no shame? o look people dying and hungry and struggling all around me, lets go steal some useless stuff. wtf would you do with a tv or some shit anyways? put it on a chain and carry it around your neck to feel cool? cause you arent gonna be able to use it any time soon. dumbasses.

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