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Wow, I thought I didn't get to ride much, some on here just downrite make me feel for you. CeJ, once a year ? That hurts man. I have ridden more this month than I have in 3 months, even tho it is the hottest days so far this year,101, 102, mostly hovering around 98-99 degrees. The river is so low this year that our main sandbar is over 9 mls long. Been 3 weekends in a row and once after work yesterday. 6th gear flat out runs get the adrenalen going. Plenty of 3ft drops and jumps to hit too. Wish I had some good pics to post, it is freakin' awsome.


Just like everywhere else, our good riding areas are getting shut down for some bullshit reason or another. This is one of the last really good places to ride now, other than private deer camps. Let's see some pics of riding spots guys..Rebel

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Wow, I thought I didn't get to ride much, some on here just downrite make me feel for you. CeJ, once a year ? That hurts man.  I have ridden more this month than I have in 3 months, even tho it is the hottest days so far this year,101, 102, mostly hovering around 98-99 degrees. The river is so low this year that our main sandbar is over 9 mls long. Been 3 weekends in a row and once after work yesterday. 6th gear flat out runs get the adrenalen going.  Plenty of 3ft drops and jumps to hit too. Wish I had some good pics to post, it is freakin' awsome.


  Just like everywhere else, our good riding areas are getting shut down for some bullshit reason or another. This is one of the last really good places to ride now, other than private deer camps.  Let's see some pics of riding spots guys..Rebel



Yep. Its just been a shitter of a year, and last year and the year before that.

I used to go ride about 20 times per summer...just between april and october. I loved it. Some times we'd take a weekend at the dunes everyweek.

But shit changes.

People suck ass.


And you move on.

I might be getting a "new" riding parter here soon if she can get her masters degree quickly.

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Yea I get about 2 or 3 times a year cus my shit is like 500 miles away with my friend...plus Im goin in the Marines so Ill be even less available to ride :angry:bangheadbangheadbanghead

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