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i've been hearing that works shocks work best when you set them up for more than what you weigh, like 20 pounds heavier. i dont get it, can someone explain, has anyone else heard this? im looking into getting a set and just wondering. and anyone know the cheapest place.

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I'm not to sure about that. I was told you want them soft but the spacers set so the almost bottom on the biggest jumps you'll do on the track. Call Works see what they have to say and fill us in. I got the best deal at SMI motorsports when I was shopping but that was a couple of years ago.

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from what i have heard: if properly setup, you should bottom your suspension once per lap on a track. dunno if its true or not, but a supercross rider told me that.


as to ordering them extra heavy, it seems like your riding style should be taken into account when the vavling is done. that would take of that matter. but i guess if you go real big, or are very aggressive it might work out for you.

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I have experience with sending shocks to works for re-build, just be honest with your riding style, (not all of us ride at a pro-level) and include the weight of your gear.... just be patient, seems like I am always playing phone tag with Oscar (the service rep) I have dual rate w/out reservoir, and am very happy, but am gonna build some w/reservoirs for +2 arms because they look cool, and I can feel the shocks fading down the sand highway at Glamis if I am really pounding it.

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