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Need help with some maintenance

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Well I was riding up northing (flagstaff area) this weekend and I have 2 of the cone K&N airfilters for my intake. The rest of the bike is stock cept the exhaust that I dont even know what kind it is... Ill post pics tonight :) So anyways I was riding and I noticed when my power band would hit my bike didnt go anywere after that and it was bothering me so I took the seat off and one of the filters was just laying on the engine :( . So i had a little bit of dirt around the carb... Is that going to be a big problem? I cleaned the surface of the carb right away. It ran fine for the day and even the next. Also when we were hauling it back to the house I noticed a pool of coolant (green). I noticed the coolant level was at the low line and I know it was above half when we got there. What do you guys think?

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Hopefully nothing happend. Your coolent level might be because of coolant going in and out of the overflow bottle because of the temp. of the Banshee. As far as the carb issue goes i think you might want to take that carb off clean it if not both and check the reeds. It sounds like you got lucky and maybe noticed your problem right away.

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You need to have your carbs taken apart and cleaned properly.And regarding the radiator fluid Banshee's tend to leak fluid from the reserve when ran hard ,some people move the reserve or eliminate it all together.Do a search most questions are already answered. ;)

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Thanks guys hehe. I know search ive been searchin all day felt it was time to just make a post and at leat talk to someone cause searches get old but i know the same posts get old too hehe. Ill check out the carbs then.. I have vforce3 reeds on the way and new heads/flywheel so when i do thos ill have to check inside there. Ill have to figure how to install everything cause i havent worked on a quad before so it will be fun B)

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OH haha also one thing I noticed is that my left spark plug the harness kept slipping off and I would be able to tell everytime it happend.(obviously) I realizd the little cap on top of the plugs were gone on that side. I went and bought new NGK br8es or whatever they are plugs and it runs so much better now. I have a feeling this quad wasnt too well taken care of but it still runs good.

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As far as the pod filter falling off, if you rode for a while afterwards and it runs the same, you've most likely already washed the dirt through the engine. I have had the fear of sand making it through my engine before but did no damage the created any trouble.


As far as the coolant, banshees do leak when ridin hard. Here is a way to prevent or mostly prevent that from happening. Move the bottle to the front like shown in this link.



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