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i think its apoligizing time

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i recently read a lil post from sredish in the thread about loco gettin voted off or whatever , and it made me think , so im gonna go ahead and apologize to everyone ive ever told that "i fucked your mom " "youre gay" "quit licking shit" etc.. etc... and to you banshee freestyler , youre on the right track to gettin good man ... maybe we should clean up our act here??? later guys - josh

lets start actually using the BHQ for what it is. This place becomes more of a soap opera every day and less of a Banshee-stricly site. This is not pointed at Loco, but it seems that there are more and more whiners, arguers, bitchers and just plain immaturity every day. I make at least one post a day playing babysitter and it's getting old. I used to average 30 posts a day, now I average 10 or 12 posts a week. I come on take a couple quick peeks at the Repairs and Jetting forums and leave. Also, where's all the old peeps, they do not come around and we wonder why. The new guys here don't even know what the BHQ was when it was a great group of guys, so the bad part is, they don't even know what the BHQ really is about.
Edited by MudSlinger09
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i totally agree with that. some people are becoming real assholes around here and I dont think that is what the HQ is about. look at it like we all have banshee's and this is a place for people to chill and conversate, ask questions, even the people w/o banshees. people are here to learn and contribute. When I first joined it seemed pretty cool but its been going down the drain to tell you the truth.

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Right on DEcon! We will get more new members if it shows we help each other out and don't get into pissin wars.Moderators need to carry themselves a little differently than be a bit more selective on what they post.Last thing we need is another scremin96 like BT.

We need to show through example that we are different than the other ATV sites.There is alot more banshee owners that have not found this site yet and once they do we need to help out. :cheers:

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i don't remember individual posts off hand, but I will say that what you quoted IS the tructh. We appreciate you bringing this up and acknowledging things and hopefully we can make this place what it should be.



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i don't remember individual posts off hand, but I will say that what you quoted IS the tructh.  We appreciate you bringing this up and acknowledging things and hopefully we can make this place what it should be.







Each and every member makes the BHQ what it is, so remember we all play a role in making this place a pleasant experience. Just remember and go by the old saying, "treat others as you would want to be treated". ;)

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i found the hq by mistake last year and ever sence i did i have got better advice about my banshee than i ever did at a dealer or on the net...and the posts that dont involve mods or performance are fun to go through too..i dont realy know any of you guys but i awlys feel like if i ran into another hq member out in a local ride spot it would be like riding with friends..there are many more sites out there thaat have some banshee info but nothing like there is here..and with the end of the banshee comming soon this is a gold mine of a site..BANSHEE HQ reminds me of o great group of friends standing around the garage with a beer in hand talkin about our toys and having fun...i think that we all need to take a second and thank LEE for this site and give props to everyone who makes the hq what it is

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When I first started on here everyone seemed to get along pretty well. Here lately as we all have noticed, things have been going down hill. I know there are some things that I have said that probably weren't to copisetic. For those comments I appoligize to anyone who may have taken offense. So, to whom it may concern.......... :cry::cry: I LOVE YOU MAN!!! :cry::cry:

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