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need help wife on my butt

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ok the wife wants a bike i need help fast. here is the thing she has under 15 hrs seat time and i dont know what to buy for her, the banshee is too much bike for her and the 450 is out of the question..and to top it off she tryed to tell me im not gettin any nookie untill she gets a bike....what do i buy her?? i was thinkin about the suzuki z400..is that the right bike to start her off on???? banghead

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Ive seen it several times with guy friends of mine. They buy their girlfriend a bike cause they bitch and complain they want to go ride with them and have fun. Then inside of a couple of months they generally quit riding. Dont waste a lot of money on anything until you know if she'll ride regularly or not. Some will, but a majority wont. As for choices though like everyone else said a 400ex or a warrior. Both decent starter quads and you can get them reasonably cheap, and can resell them easily when or if she quits riding.

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I'm kind of in the same boat.  After ALOT of shopping, a 400ex looks to be the winner here.  Safe, reliable, boring, smooth, easy to ride bike.  The Blaster is a close second though.



If it gets too boring (and it will) you can always through a crf in there :headbang: .




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took her riding today with a few friends and she rode a blaster didnt like it. rode a warrior didnt like it..she dosnt want a honda (ok i dont want a honda) so i guess she gets the z400..she likes the craptor now too so its the craptor or z400..what do i get??


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took her riding today with a few friends and she rode a blaster didnt like it. rode a warrior didnt like it..she dosnt want a honda (ok i dont want a honda) so i guess she gets the z400..she likes the craptor now too so its the craptor or z400..what do i get??




z400 has nice ergos., nice suspension, slow and not as wheelie happy as the craptor.... craptor is faster, narrower, harder to ride, feelsl like a sawhorse on wheels.... I vote for the zuk.




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