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cross over tube or boost bottle

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well the shee is done cuz im sick of cracking stock boots

so i came up with a great way of using part of my stock boot but that will fit over my bigger carbs but it will eliminate the cross over tube or boost bottle

now i could rig it in there but would make it a bit harder to do for now

so im wondering if it is really necessary to have one there or can i get away without having a tube or bottle

i heard its based on your cc's and well my banshee is 0.02 over so whats that 352cc


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well like many people i did waste my money a while ago on a boost bottle

so i have both im just wondering if it is absolutely necessary to have either or, i got something to fit over my bigger carbs but adding in the hole for the tube or bottle is gonna be a pain so im wondering if you can get away without running one

im broke as fuuuuuck and well i rigged something up that will work

although damn that boss intake looks nice

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ok thanks any gain loss from running without one?


woah clark i just went to passionracing and i was impressed thats a good price, i emailed them

hopefully shipping to Canada is descent if so i think he just made a sale

meh more broke, visa bill is getting bigger awell got a banshee to ride

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Here is what I found out today that may be old news to you boys.....shouldn't be letting this cat out of the bag until I get mine but here goes.


The 74-78 YZ 125's use a 34mm round slide Keihin. The intake from these bikes match the bolt pattern to the Banshee and the angle is correct. The problem is there is no way for a 'cross over tube' but remember....if something came as a stock part its almost always cheaper to find it that way rather than aftermarket. To buy the boots alone as NOS parts, they are about $60 each but bolt up to the cylinders without reason for aftermarket parts. The intake boot has a prefix of "401" that signifies the 74-78 generation. Thought I'd pass that along to anyone that might be interested.......shhhhhh :evil:;)


Time for Ebay and ATV junkyards baby!

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