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cell phones!

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i m going to buy a new cell phone, but there are so much that i am kinda lost! so my question is what cell phone would you buy! no matter how much it cost! I`m looking for one real good cell! thanks for your time!!

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whos is your service provider? i have t-mobil and have a side kick and a sharp tm-150 mega pixel camrea phone I love them both. i use the side kick for mostly work and the sharp for personal.the sharp is a flip phone and takes really good pictures nice big display. the side kick can play mp3 and sweet games pluse email internet blah blah blah.

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I have a Samsung A670 on Verizon wireless. I cant complain at all about either the service or the phone. The phone is on me 18 hours out of the day, and at work (on the flight line) it gets beat up pretty bad. its been dropped multiple times on the cement and still is working great. Its Digital only so if you live in an area that has not gone ALL DIGITAL yet, dont bother with this phone.

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ive got the motorola V220 through cingular. The service sucks in a lot of places, but its not too bad. the camera on the phone is absolutely horrible though. Dont get it, my friend has the step up from mine, and the camera on his sucks too, (too sensitive to light, no matter how you adjust it) and mine is just terrible picture quality. The better picture phones ive seen are actually sanyo and samsung. But i dont know exactly what your looking for, so good luck, just stay away from the motorola's, im not too sure about that razor phone that have out, but its really expensive, and i dont like it anyway. lol


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I have the nextel I8somthing. It works about 80% of the time on the walkie talkie and about 90% of the time on the cell. I agree that lucifer pawned these devilish communication devices upon us. We are doomed. :evil:

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If you have service with cingular, read your bill every month or they will charge you for shit that you dident buy, or when your talking to another cingular user they might use your minutes talking to them. Oh yea, stay away from the motorola v551 model....its a piece, I know 4 people with this model and there is some software issues. Also, dont drop it into water or it will be screwed up forever banghead

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Does anyone use a PDA phone like the Treo 650 or the Kyocera 7135 or whatever it is? I have US Cellular.

I'm finding that I need a PDA and I hate the phone I have. It works good but it's too friggin small for my old un-coordinated self to use easily.

I almost wish I still had my old school brick phone :shrugani:

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The best phones I've ever owned have been Nokia.


I currently have (not for much longer) a Kyocera Phantom through Verison. The ear piece has gotten so quiet I have to use a hands free to use my phone now, and every now and again the phone just freezes and or locks up. Won't turn off, won't do shit until I unplug the battery. Then it MIGHT turn back on.


As soon as I find out if I qualify for a new phone through Verison (or I just go get another one at my cost) this one is going in the 50 ton press. I've had it.

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As soon as I find out if I qualify for a new phone through Verison (or I just go get another one at my cost) this one is going in the 50 ton press. I've had it.


Make sure you post pics :headbang:

One guy I knew said that in their spare time they would smash pennys to the size of cookies by putting 'em in the press over and over and over.

Be kinda cool to have a cell phone place mat :blink:

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i have an old v60 flip phone from motorola thru cingular.

in southeast ks there are like 3-4 towers my phone tries to use. its a joke.

even with my big ass wilson cellular antenna i have dead spots.



cingular new system with att, called their gsm phones work good when your on a friendly tower or area but if you get out in the stick or somewhere your up shit creek with no paddle.



my next provider will be us cellular or cellular one.



about every company i think sucks, you have to find the one that is less

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