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What do you guys think?

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We have a discussion going on another board I hang out on.


Any of you guys listening to this Live 8 coverage?

What do you guys think of continually trying to feed, house, clothe, alleviate debt, educate Africa?

It's making me fuckin sick.

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trendy hollywood bullshit. the whole live 8 thing is a joke. whats the point? the organizer himself even says its not to raise money, its to raise awareness. whats the fuckin point? just a way for the hollywood eliete to say they are doing something for humanity. id like to see them all put their money where their mouths are. and maybe do it for a government that isnt corrupt.



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and maybe do it for a government that isnt corrupt

No such thing in Africa, our Vice President just got sacked for being caught out, not for being corrupt...


Like those people are paying taxes

Some of us pay our 45%, however, I can't speak for the millions of free-riders.... :bolt:


I say fuck'em, don't send your money here, it'll end up in the wrong hands. I think our pres needs a new airforce one..

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The circa 1987ish thrash band "M.O.D." once wrote these lyrics:

USA for Africa, what a fuckin' scam

Charity begins at home, what about our land ?

Im sick of people starving, but do you think I care?

Let them all die hungry, so I can breath their air.


anyone recall those lyrics :cheers:

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Just like that freakin telethon for the 911 victims. Tom Cruise,Jack Nickelson and 40-50 other wealthy, sucessful actors enticing us to give money.If those stars gave a cool million a piece that telethon would'nt even happen.A million out of their pocketbooks is nothing they would'nt even feel it!

Middleclass??.....Watch your ass!

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The situation in Africa is very sad. We are, as we should, helping out over there quite a bit. However, the people running those governments are fighting for contol of the aid we give in order to control the people. Anyone remember the Blackhawk situation in Africa?? You can't help anyone in those types of situations.

You have to get the government straight first.


As far as debt relief, if they owe money, they should repay it. I would like to know exactly what they spent the money on. I bet weapons and korans are up on the list.


As far as me PERSONALLY going to Africa to help out, I will have to pass on that. The African-Americans here have conditioned me to be WAY defensive when there is a large number of black folks around me. Just my character flaw. I was one of 3 white kids in my high school. You learn to wach your ass real quick. I just KNOW if I went to Africa, I would have my ass beat and my Nikes stolen. I went to Jamaca last summer. It was really beautiful, the people were awsome, but it took me a few days to relax because everyone was black. Really strange to have a six-foot-195 black dude that you don't know come up and grab your luggage at the airport, and never see it again until you get to the resort. The funny thing is, I bet black fellas are just as skechy of whites as whites are to them.


America really screwed up with the whole slavery thing. Now we have a bunch of pissed off blacks, and a bunch of defensive whites.


As far as people starving in Africa, all we have to do its open up a bunch of Burger kings and Mcdonalds and they will fatten up in notime flat.


I also think we need to send a bunch of fly swatters to Africa. Those poor kids are so used to flies, they don't even blink when the fly walks across their eyeball.


I am sick to death of bono and his stupid raver glasses. Why dosen't HE go hand out rice in Africa? I'll tell you why. The black fellas over there will kick his skinny white ass and steal his raver glasses. Thats why.

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Never liked U2 in the first place. Africas population is out of control.When you see a vid of an african village on TV theres an african mama breastfeeding 2 at a time + a bun in the oven.Anytime there is a overpopulation of any mammal theres bound to be a problem.Especially humans.China recognizes this fact and it's law that your only allowed a max. of having 2 children there. Epidemics suck.

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