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thats a HUUUGE fish...

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noodling is when people go into the water, feel for a catfish, grab its mouth and wrestle it to shore.



We call that "hand grabbing" . We usually put out large PVC pipes in shallows. Some people fish hollow logs and such. I've seen some real monsters taken this way.


Does that picture look bogus or is it just me? Not knocking your story Loco, but something just doesn't look kosher about that picture.

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"Others have made claims of finding larger sturgeon, but the International Game Fishing Association says the largest sturgeon on record is 468 pounds. That fish has also held the record for largest freshwater fish caught."


What i can't figure out is why they called a sturgeon a freshwater fish..THEY'RE NOT!!!!  :blink:






Uhh then what is it? Our rivers here are filled with them, dont think the river is salt water buddy.

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I like to fish and everything but noodling just seems crazy.  what if you grab a cat way bigger than you?



You don't grab him, he grabs you and you hope to hell he lets go before you drown. When you stick your hand under big rocks and stumps the catfish will bite your hand and arm. If the cat weighs 600lbs you won't have a hand or an arm, prolly just a stub will be left. If you haven't bathed in a while, he may just eat all of you. ;)

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