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BHQ Fall Trip

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Yeah, I know....tell me about it. That 525 is if the gas prices stay the same, if they go up to 4.50 a gallon, I'm looking at 675, and at 5.00 a gallon I'd be spending 750 in gas.




thats fuckin insane. i thought the govt was supposed to step in when shit like this happens and put a price cap on it...

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The Ram (trailor full fo quads) gets about 12 I feel your pain. If it goes any higher, I'm not gonna be able togo either. I have tinkered with the idea of tradein off the shee for a streetbike. I spent 30 bucks in gas driving to the practice track to ride on Tuesday. +30 bucks in VP fuel to ride for about 3 hours. :( 60 bucks I coulda used to pay for a bike right there :(

Oh ya Wanted: Used motorcycle, around 300 grand :D so I can keep de sheezee/ :cheers:

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The Ram (trailor full fo quads) gets about 12 I feel your pain. If it goes any higher, I'm not gonna be able togo either. I have tinkered with the idea of tradein off the shee for a streetbike. I spent 30 bucks in gas driving to the practice track to ride on Tuesday.  +30 bucks in VP fuel to ride for about 3 hours. :( 60 bucks I coulda used to pay for a bike right there :( 

Oh ya Wanted: Used motorcycle, around 300 grand  :D so I can keep de sheezee/  :cheers:



Yeah, if it stays at 3.50 a gallon or gets any higher my chances of making it are slim to none. :cry: I just don't have that kind of cash right now with all that's been going on at my house....if the prices drop back down in the 2 dollar range, I should be good to go :headbang:


Funny you mentioned getting a bike, I'm thinking of trading my Honda prelude for a Yammy R1 :cheers:

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jeez you must gave picked a really cool fraternity.  :whoa:


Nope, heres my story on frats,

I was a friends house one night, and he was tryin to tell me how he would do anything for his frat brothers, and that they have a secrad bond and all this and that, and that I should join, cause I'd make a good frat brothers... so I said, ok...one question tho...

Would YOU let one of your frat brothers date your sister? HELL NO, I wouldn't leave my sister alone in a room with the guys from my frat...he said.

Ya sounds like a great bunch of people to be around to me I said, and got up and went in the other room, to this day when I see the guy, he still doesn't get it.... sad

Edited by 03LE
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Shoot, I spend $300 every weekend I go to the dunes.  And that is twice a month.  Sometimes 3 trips.

Diesel in the truck, gas for the rail and gas for the genny.


Oh well, it is what I do.    :headbang:



It's obvious you must make a LOT more money than I do...I wish I could spend 600 bucks a month on riding trips, that's over a quarter of what I make in a month.


I only wish this trip would cost me 300 bucks, I wouldn't even be second guessing it.

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