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before i put the cylinders on to pour oil thru, just in case anything fell in. well i poured oil on top of the crank and it is just sitting there, nothing went thru. i even spun it around a few times.


is it cool to just bolt the cylinders on, or do i have to remove the oil.


i am thinking it will work out if i bolt them on, i just want to be sure.




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"before i put the cylinders on to pour oil thru, just in case anything fell in."


What does that mean???  :wacko:


How much oil did you pour in?




I am with Rare....What are you talking about???? Nothing that could have fallen in there will float in oil.....And if you did fill the crankshaft case with oil you can't leave it in there....This is where your air fuel mixture is pulled to before it goes into the cylinder.... :whoa:

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1/2 quart between the 2. i was told to do that in case any sand or crap fell in. it was fine, i thought it couldn't hurt to just run it thru, but it didn't go thru, just pooled up on the crank. the oil holes, on the sides (if that is what it is called), the oil doesn't sit that high, just on the crank. i'mprobably making something out of nothing.




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1/2 quart between the 2. i was told to do that in case any sand or crap fell in. it was fine, i thought it couldn't hurt to just run it thru, but it didn't go thru, just pooled up on the crank. the oil holes, on the sides (if that is what it is called), the oil doesn't sit that high, just on the crank. i'mprobably making something out of nothing.





Where was it going to go through to? The crankshaft case is an airtight chamber (with the jugs on). This oil you put in there has no place to go and you sure don't want to put it together like that. What would happen to the oil. If it did start your crank has to slop through it every rev. and it would get into the cyl. I suppose worst case is you get allot into the cyl. and oil won't compress like air and fuel and it could cause a connecting rod to break. Probably unlikely but worst case. Best thing is don't get any sand or crap in it! B)

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1/2 quart between the 2. i was told to do that in case any sand or crap fell in. it was fine, i thought it couldn't hurt to just run it thru, but it didn't go thru, just pooled up on the crank. the oil holes, on the sides (if that is what it is called), the oil doesn't sit that high, just on the crank. i'mprobably making something out of nothing.






you are lucky you are an HQ memeber and can ask questions like this before you ruin your motor. You absolutly dont want any thing in there that isnt connected to the crank.

Unless you are assembling it for the first time and everything is dry a very small amount of automatic tranny fluid for the bearings is exceptable


Get that crap outta there before you put it back together.

Edited by GYTWYPT
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i will, thanks. i knew better, but a good friend who i thought knew his stuff, doesn't. he was the one who told me not to get it honing also. i did get it honed. oh well, which i knew had to be done each time. i will have to drain the oil back out. i knew something was wrong when i poured it in, that why a minute later i was on here and not installing my jugs.


yes, i'm very glad i am a hq member, thanks allot guys. i wish i didn't sound like an idiot. i did bebuild my bike 1 other time by myself but it was years ago and last time i had it ported and let them assembly it.




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