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What is every bodys riding style?

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i didnt know you could go any thing less than balls to the wall 6th gear haulin ass..i think if i rode any different than hard and fast my shee would break..i ride it like i stole it 100% of the time..i mean come on if you dont scare yourself then why are you on a banshee..just go get a 4croke and put around camp with the kiddys

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I have a 1/4 turn twist throttle on my banshee so it is either wide open or nothing.  :bolt:  :bolt:


those are insane. I had one on my dirt bike. that really scared the shit outta me. I had to take it off because im not the best thing on two wheels. :jesterlaugh: Im sure it will go back on when I get good though. the one I have on now is 3/4 I believe. it turns super fast too. its crazy.

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well, since most of yall ride WOT, I take it yall have not had a serious accident on one yet <_< .


Just a couple months ago I broke my collar bone (on a dirt bike) when I was comin down this hill climb and my brother was comin up the same hill on another dirt bike and we didn't see each other till about 50 foot apart. I was on the left rut goin down, he's in the same one, then when I move to the other rut, he decides to move over too, :P . We hit head on at about 25 mph. Didn't do anything to the bikes, just twisted teh forks a little, no biggie. The impact was so hard when i went over the front end and hit the other bike's bars square with my shoulder that it broke my left collar bone. I had a helmet on, thankfully, cause I remember my head boucein off somethin :blink: . My brother didn't have one though, and he didn't have a scratch or anything :shrugani: . ( he used to not wear a helmet, but now he does all the time).


I hold back because I dont want to risk a high speed accident, cause it would more than likely re-break the bone again, and one time was enough for me :lol: . And I really just aint comfortable goin 70-80mph + on a quad. I've already had a lower a-arm ball joint pop out when I did a tiny little jump and I'd really hate to think about that happening if a ball joint popped out going wide open :shootself: accross a field or down the street. Wouldn't be nothin left but to just get a shovel and 5-gal. bucket and scoop up whats left of me :flush:

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well, since most of yall ride WOT, I take it yall have not had a serious accident on one yet  <_< .




I hold back because I dont want to risk a high speed accident, cause it would more than likely re-break the bone again, and one time was enough for me  :lol:  . And I really just aint comfortable goin 70-80mph + on a quad. I've already had a lower a-arm ball joint pop out when I did a tiny little jump and I'd really hate to think about that happening if a ball joint popped out going wide open  :shootself:  accross a field or down the street. Wouldn't be nothin left but to just get a shovel and 5-gal. bucket and scoop up whats left of me  :flush:




I broke my foot the first day of riding down at hatfield-McCoy 2 years ago. We were down there for the whole week. I didnt ride the rest of that day, went to wal-mart that night, got pushed around in the cart by my buddies and got a pair of boots I could lace up really tight, and an ankle brace and medical tape. I rode the rest of the week....sadly to say, not balls to the wall (had to kinda nurse the foot).


I caught the edge of a tree ripping through the woods with the outside of my tire the one time riding up in the mountains for a weekend and it slammed my thumb throttle assembly into my thumb breaking it. Rode the rest of the weekend on that and spent 4 weeks in a cast until I cut it off.


I've rolled down hills with my quad saving it from going off into ravines, spraining and bruising stuff......you just gotta brush everything off and deal with it later. I go 100% at the moment at all times, theres always time to rest later, which I also do 100%


If you had a ball joint come apart, you obviously didnt do a pre trip on your quad. Aint no way in hell I'd take my quad ripping in 6th gear if I didnt know it was sound.

When I was down in Hatfield-McCoy this year, after every ride I'd wash the quad down and go over all the bolts, and check the quad over for ANYTHING being loose. My one ball joint had a tiny bit of play the one day down there, and amazingly there was one parts store within an hour of where we were staying, that had a tie rod end for a 70's superbeetle.


I've got family to think about as well. I have a baby boy on the way, and a daughter thats been calling me dad since she was 3 months old. I know my limits, I push them a little bit sometimes, but when its safe to do so.



and on a side note:


I had a 1/4 twist on a 200x that had 12:1 compression (was as fast as a 350x) and that sucker was a mean little shit, definitely scary with the 1/4 turn on it

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well, since most of yall ride WOT, I take it yall have not had a serious accident on one yet  <_< .


Just a couple months ago I broke my collar bone (on a dirt bike) when I was comin down this hill climb and my brother was comin up the same hill on another dirt bike and we didn't see each other till about 50 foot apart. I was on the left rut goin down, he's  in the same one, then when I move to the other rut, he decides to move over too,  :P . We hit head on at about 25 mph. Didn't do anything to the bikes, just twisted teh forks a little, no biggie. The impact was so hard when i went over the front end and hit the other bike's bars square with my shoulder that it broke my left collar bone. I had a helmet on, thankfully, cause I remember my head boucein off somethin  :blink: . My brother didn't have one though, and he didn't have a scratch or anything  :shrugani: . ( he used to not wear a helmet, but now he does all the time).


I hold back because I dont want to risk a high speed accident, cause it would more than likely re-break the bone again, and one time was enough for me  :lol:  . And I really just aint comfortable goin 70-80mph + on a quad. I've already had a lower a-arm ball joint pop out when I did a tiny little jump and I'd really hate to think about that happening if a ball joint popped out going wide open  :shootself:  accross a field or down the street. Wouldn't be nothin left but to just get a shovel and 5-gal. bucket and scoop up whats left of me  :flush:


21 broken bones, torn ligaments in shoulder,knocked out 3 times, oh yeah that all happened on bicycles going 15 mph...i have taken my 6th gear tumble on the banshee..i was flyin through the dunes wide open 6th gear and slambed right into a witches eye..that was a prety hard tumble i was dazed and confused for a long time after that...but it didnt turn me into a pussy and make me worry about eatin it when i ride..its going to happen sooner or later to every person th set foot on a bike..you will crash its a fact of riding such a fast high performance machine like the banshee..just ride who cares about crashing high speed low speed crashing sucks. just ride and when yours is due you will get it no matter what.

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21 broken bones, torn ligaments in shoulder,knocked out 3 times, oh yeah that all happened on bicycles going 15 mph...i have taken my 6th gear tumble on the banshee..i was flyin through the dunes wide open 6th gear and slambed right into a witches eye..that was a prety hard tumble i was dazed and confused for a long time after that...but it didnt turn me into a pussy and make me worry about eatin it when i ride..its going to happen sooner or later to every person th set foot on a bike..you will crash its a fact of riding such a fast high performance machine like the banshee..just ride who cares about crashing high speed low speed crashing sucks. just ride and when yours is due you will get it no matter what.



I guess i'll take back what I said :huh: . Dang all that on a bycycle? did you jump off a cliff or something :P ?


well, I guess its just me if I want to take it easy riding my banshee, I ride fast sometimes, but :cheers: anyway

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