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DeTuning cub motors...

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This site is goin into a hole where it will not get out of, o and it's Rolling Rolling Rock. :cheers: you are a fan of honda ey? well i hate to break your nuts but honda has been playin follow up to yamaha for a good time now.


P.S. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out ;)

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wow this stuff gets crazy and out of hand fast

yes i can see how loco's first post can be taken in more than one way

the same goes for what dan had to originally say about how he used that method to "detune" the motors

it was an odd choice of words from dan and i can see hwo it is easily taken the wrong way


but either way dan obviously knows his shit

his reputation is fabulous and his waiting time is insane

but people are more than happy to wait for dan himself to port there motor

he is known to build a motor that pulls your arms off at any RPM

some of the guys that i feel know there shit have his motors and love them


but why in the hell do some dickheads have to bash guys about there opinions that are perfectly fair

and start with a dick measuring contest


like guys getting all pissy and telling other people to jsut leave

or accuse dan of putting in a free advertisement in here all the time


or guys bragging about how there bike runs better in the sand

than joe blows motor that isnt ported for that use




but the bottom line is if dan does it then it very likely is effective and works

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I think removing material from the bottom of the cylinder is a bad idea.


1. cylinders are now oddball. You are tied to the guy that decked them. Replacement parts will not match up.


2. Seems to me that now you have a head clearance problem. More milling/fabrication needed to fix that problem.


3.No more warranty. Better hope these mods hold together.

Oh, and where do you get a plated cylinder bored?


All in order to give the Banshee a more manageable power curve.

I'm sure you'll have a good answer to these issues, but these were the reasons I called BS.


Why don't those cubs come in a low performance model from the manufactuer?

Because DETUNE and BANSHEE don't belong in the same sentance.


Get a honda and quit trying to make a Banshee's power curve like a 400ex.


Just my opinion.

There is nothing wrong with this site.


1 Keep track of how much was taken off. With that info, any good builder can work with ya.Taking material off the bottom will effect what replacement parts? Just the domes.

2 Again, the domes must have to be cut. Just like everyone running a stock cylinder 4 mm ect....Unless they have a spacerplate. So every custom stock cylinder 4 mill, 7 mill ect... is tied to that builder forever???

3 Warranty? I don't think so. Do a search on the internet to find a place to fix and plate a Cub. There's lots of them. Most modern 2 strokes are now Nikosiled.

Yes I'm a Patriot fan. Dan does great work and does his best to help EVERYONE out.

This is just my opinion too.

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Holy shit, i just read this whole thing and i have a few things to say


1. if someone wants to "detune" there fuckin motor, let them do it! Jesus christ its not like there your jugs, your money, or your time.


2. Sandstar, i never had a problem with you before, but god damn, you think you are some kind of banshee god, and know how everyone else should do there motor? No fucking way.


3.Why does everything on this site always turn into a pissing match? Nobody on this site acts like a adult, and i know everyone that posted in this topic is one! I dont think this site is goin down hill yet, but if it keeps this shit up its gonna be worse then fuckin bluetraxx!

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I just reread this entire mess, a lot of good and a lot of bad. One thing that stood out this time though was, a sportport outdoing a professionally ported bike? I really don't think so. I'm sure we can round up a few Patriot bikes and head down your way this coming season, or you can come up here. I'm sure everyone, including you, will have a good time. To each his own. I bet my wife would like the way Dans motor would pull through the entire RPM spread. She doesn't like a peaky, all top bike. So maybe I'll sell her Raptor and build one of Dan's Cubs.

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This place is turning into Bluetraxx. :cry: I used to spend a lot of time here reading and posting but over the last year this place has gone downhill fast. Every damn thing turns into an arguement over who knows what is best.


I know two things.


Dan's motors are incredible. I had a set of jugs he ported and loved them. They were set up for dragging only though so I sold them off when my kids started riding with me. Everybody I know that has one of his motors loves it.


Second is that if this place doesn't get its shit together all the old timers are going to be gone. We have already seen some of them leave and the rest are on the way.

Edited by kenr74
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I agree with Ken... this place is going downhill or at least parts of it are.. i used to check in here everyday and post but now its hard to do that with people threating people and talking shit about builders they know nothing about or have ever dealt with. Attacking someone or someone's work without ever dealing with them or even racing theirproduct is a little childish to me. Even more childish is thumping your own chest and challenging people to race over the internet "Meet me at the hill" or "you should come to glamis and race bikes down here" sounds so dumb it makes me want to puke. It's pointless and does nothing for this site or the sport in general. Someone is always going to have deeper pockets and a faster bike than you... that's just what the sport is about.


Builders like Patriot, A & S, Packard, SSR, Ohton, CP industries,etc. push themselves every year with new innovations and faster motors. Some are faster than othes but not all of them are out to build all out drag motors with drag specs. Personally, I'm not looking to be the fastest because I know I never will be... What I had built was a respectable motor that holds its own at the hill but still is going to be fun in the tree shots and out on the dunes. To me being the fastest isn't everything. That's my opinon though.


I have nothing against people coming to forums such as these and complaining or giving their viewpoint about a builder or about something but I believe it should come from first hand experience.

Edited by eehsnab2
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This site is goin into a hole where it will not get out of, o and it's Rolling Rolling Rock. :cheers:  you are a fan of honda ey? well i hate to break your nuts but honda has been playin follow up to yamaha for a good time now.


P.S. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out ;)



No I am not a Honda fan. But I do know alot of builders tricked alot of honda owners into the 370 craze a couple years back. Anybody remember the Banshee killer motors? Turns out, this great mod couldn't hold together for more than a few rides. One of my buddies fell victim to it.


Just because a builder makes it doesn't make it gospel.

Trinity used to be the best. What happened???


Now please quit trying to break my nuts, so remove my nuts from your mouth and try to read and comprehend my post. ;)

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Holy shit, i just read this whole thing and i have a few things to say


1. if someone wants to "detune" there fuckin motor, let them do it! Jesus christ its not like there your jugs, your money, or your time.


2. Sandstar, i never had a problem with you before, but god damn, you think you are some kind of banshee god, and know how everyone else should do there motor? No fucking way.


3.Why does everything on this site always turn into a pissing match? Nobody on this site acts like a adult, and i know everyone that posted in this topic is one! I dont think this site is goin down hill yet, but if it keeps this shit up its gonna be worse then fuckin bluetraxx!



Yes, I am God. I go by the name Yammychrist.

Why haven't you been in church, my son?

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Trinity used to be the best. What happened???


Trinity became a product of corporate America. Just when things are good and business is going well, management thinks they can make it better. Cut cost by hiring under trained labor, cutting corners where ever possible, micro manage everything(even the parts that don't need it), and keep the increased profits for themselves instead of passing them on to the consumer. Eventually the consumer becomes "educated" and I will use that word loosely. Starts to question why they are paying the same amount for less. Decides that they can get a lower quality for a lower price or a higher quality for the same price. In turn deciding that there money is better spent with the "little guy" who takes pride in their work and will offer a better product at the same price as the big guys.


Now if Trinity wanted to really take over, they have the resources to strangle the market to the point it hurts the little guy. This last statement only applies to the uneducated consumer.


As soon as someone can tell me why Trinity charges $450 to MX port a Cheetah jug, give me a call. I would love to hear that explanation. Robbery seems to fit the bill there, it's easy to rob those that don't know better.


If you are even trying to compare anything about Trinity to Patriot, that's just a plain insult. Trinity is an overadvertising, name recognizing, magazine patronizing, overcharging company that just tries to put stuff out as fast as the money can possibly be spent with them. Trinity has the market pretty much cornered with the Cheetah jug, which is a shame. Thanfully for them at least, a bone stock Cheetah pretty much flies, so noone realizes their $450 they spent on porting wasn't really even nessesary. I have held in my hand two examples of their "$450" MX port which was sad to say the least. It looked like nothing was ever even done to them.


Rockepig on here can chime in, he is the only part of Trinity that I feel is even worth respecting anymore.

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