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how much do you plan on spendin on these 5.0's. I personally don't like to buy much of anything with mods unless i know the person. You WILL end up working on it and you WILL eat a bunch of gas. Both of the cars mentioned are going to burn some serious fuel. JMO, but if i was you i would get something better on gas. Hell buy a little pickup you can still fit a shee in. Save money and put more in the shee. Even if you don't put more money in the shee..still more in your pocket in the long run

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Guest turbodohc20
because were nice guys,thats why.dick.well not always.


O and just to clarify, I wasn't being a dick. I was trying to help him out. If you want to know about Mustangs, ask on a Mustang site. Otherwise you may get answers from ppl who don't know what they're talking about. ;) If you want to know about banshee's ask here. If you want to know how to be gay, just as Mybadbanshee :rotflmao:

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O and just to clarify, I wasn't being a dick. I was trying to help him out. If you want to know about Mustangs, ask on a Mustang site. Otherwise you may get answers from ppl who don't know what they're talking about.  ;) If you want to know about banshee's ask here. If you want to know how to be gay, just as Mybadbanshee  :rotflmao:


You are a dickhead....its general discussion (thats for non banshee related topics). I bet you feel like a dumbass now :o

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well a few things to look for in a mustang


the body itself is known to be weak and crack prone in several areas


and if any of the cars are anywhere near you i would be looking them over with a fine toothed comb..........afterall guys around pekin are known to run the fuck out of them


check the floor pans right under the seats

towards the rear seat mounting area the floor pan itself is known to crack and split

the torque boxes are known to crack after holeshots are pulled

a cracked torque box if you listen closely will crack and pop as you turn into a driveway

i cant really think of any other major trouble areas on them

you will be abel to tell fi it had been wrecked at all by looking for hte bar code tags on each of the body panels

they all have them the front bumper cover the fenders doors and trunk lid

and yeah the trunk lid lip is known to rust out severely

try to avoid the automatic trans in a used mustang as they can be trouble and are very expensive to rebuild


oh and a stick shift car will grind when you put it into reverse..........they all do just put it into OD and then into reverse and that wont happen


and be sure to look for broken door handles and sloppy door hinge pins

the doors are known to sag you will be able to tell by all the extra wind noise in the car if the door has sagged much

i had a stang wtih a torque box split on it .............it only had a built up four cylinder in it ..........my that little shit would run

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oh and a stick shift car will grind when you put it into reverse..........they all do just put it into OD and then into reverse and that wont happen





Haha some guy came into the shop to replace the entire transmission,then came back two weeks later to get another BRAND NEW friggin tranny cause it was doin the same thing. Ended up sellin the car for the price of one of the trannies.


I would say if you were dead set on these two, get the 90. The 347 will need to be rebuilt soon, the ride angle is too severe because of the bigger crank. It wears the rings and just doesnt cooperate with the rest of the motor...the block needs to be ground in several areas the fit the rods. The 90 sounds way better


But other than that, a pickup would be great, or even a sedan, cause the cops wont even take a look at your car.

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It all depends on what you want to do with the car. If you want a car to get around in, these two might not be the right car. If you want a car to race in they will do great. These are pretty good mods and might be fast cars. Might be!!! I don't think that someone would add these mods and just cruise around town. The were probably ran really hard and never believe what a person says is on the motor milage wise. They were probably all hard driven high reving miles.


Honestly, don't get a 5.0, get a camero and drop a good 350 in it. All my friends have 5.0's and I leave them behind in the quater. I race a 1978 Monte Carlo Landau with a 350 (not stock) and run 10.50's give or take a couple tenths. 5.0's are like the banshee, you will spend a lot of time working on it and less time driving it with so many mods. It is cheaper to do it yourself than buy a car you know nothing about in my opinion. But I just hate fords! :headbang:

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O and just to clarify, I wasn't being a dick. I was trying to help him out. If you want to know about Mustangs, ask on a Mustang site. Otherwise you may get answers from ppl who don't know what they're talking about.  ;) If you want to know about banshee's ask here. If you want to know how to be gay, just as Mybadbanshee  :rotflmao:


exactly , dont try and help someone out if you dont know what your talking about.all youv said is buy a modded 5.0 which is the worst advice ive heard yet.its nice to see your making friends already on here.why dont you shut you fuckin mouth cause everything ive heard from you is crap.cant wait till you need help with the shee cause im gonna jump to help you out,fuckin rookie!oh yeah and that trans am would leave your talon at the line.and looks better!?yeah if your a panty werein homo.

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oh yeah and that trans am would leave your talon at the line.and looks better!?yeah if your a panty werein homo.


he must be a chicken cause hes got a large talon.



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Wow, thanks for all the advice. I guess hearing what you didnt want to hear is better than not hearing it at all. Since everyone besides Talon Speedracer has advised against it, I think I'll leave the 5.0's alone. But here is the deal, I am on a budget of $6-7k, and I am looking for something with alot more balls than my v6. I can deal with the gas, I'm just tired of having a slow ass car. And where I live and drive the majority of the time, it doesnt matter what your driving. The cops know you no matter what, whether your in a camaro or a mini van. And yes, I have looked into dropping a 350 in my camaro, but I refuse to have a fast car with an automatic tranny. I would also like a car that had a nicer body (my car needs a paint job and has a few dings). With the low budget, I know that I want something that has already been modded to save $$. So should I just keep looking for a late 80's/early 90's z28 in my price range or something else?

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BTW, I didnt ask this question on a Mustang forum because they are all MUSTANG OWNERS. How many responses do you think I would have gotten like Brock's or anybody else that has mentioned all the negative things about 5.0's? Every person there would have told me to get the car, and thats not the kind of response I want.

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Have you considered a Thunderbird Supercoupe?? You can pick them up pretty cheep and they respond well to minor modifications. I have two of them...One 5spd & Auto...Both have been good cars...They are supercharged, and will manage mid 14's with very minor mods. Both of mine make close to 30mpg and both have been heavily modded. Go here and take a look at the cars for sale.


Supercoupe Club of America


I have to warn you though...Once you have one you will probably never want to get rid of it...I have had my first one since 93 and never plan on getting rid of it. I don't own any other type of car...2 supercoupes...Thats it..I attached a picture of one of mine to give you an idea of what they look like...





The Mustang on the other hand....I dunno much about them, other than I spank alot of them on the street...




Edited by cudaz101
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