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Cleaning Banshee

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Mine is never clean... Dont ever buy black plastic, youll regret it. Only time Ive ever takin pictures of it is when I just washed it.




I wished i would have never got black plastic......it shows so many scratches, the only way to make them not show is water or tire shine....o well the black looks sweet.

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Mine is never clean... Dont ever buy black plastic, youll regret it. Only time Ive ever takin pictures of it is when I just washed it.



My orange plastic sucks ass too... boot marks the whole length of the rear fender are a bitch.




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i clean mine up after a muddy ride, but i don't get to detailed with it. it will just get all hogged up next time out anyway. basically, the clean shees stay in the sand and out of the mud and the muck. otherwise you'd be spending more time cleaning than riding. no dunes to hit here in pa, but that's ok. a little mud and cow shit will never hurt it. ;)

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I've seen most of your shees, and the thing that puzzles me the most, is how the hell do you keep them so clean and spotless, I mean like the engines are so clean, the plastics are spotless, how do you guys do it? :confused:


don't ride it and it will stay clean



Mine is never clean... Only time Ive ever takin pictures of it is when I just washed it.


that ain't no shit :headbang::headbang:

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