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Porting makes jet size go down?

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That about the match and the gas tank,I laugh so hard my stomach hurt.I have been in your shoes before.Before you burn it,call me.I'll take that worry off your hands.Hang in there you'll find the problem.It just takes longer than it should sometimes.Let us know if the suggestions we gave you don't work.We'll come up with some more suggestions.

Edited by RDZ350
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.. this maybe a stupid question...


but have you dropped a match in the gas tank yet?  :shrugani:



He might not have,but I thought about it this past weekend.Glad I didn't now.

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im thinking its not the main at all thats a low main for a ported/piped she. whats the pilots in there? and if you have a leaky clutch side crank seal ,possibly jarred out of location or damaged from your rod throwing mishap youll burn tranny oil and sometimes its just enough to cause all kinds of jetting grief , id say its either that or your head isnt on right ,cause a leakyor loose head gasket can cause a rich condition (and possibly burning coolant too)while a leaky base causes a very lean condition.is this head cut or modified .?cause your bike will load up with oil sometimes if your running shit fuel with small cc domes due to poor burning inside the domes. also look to be sure that the jugs seating surface and cases are flat and not warped or misaligned . throwing a rod and wadding the topend can be a viloent damaging accident, that will negatively affect other things on a 2 stroke motor like I mentioned above.

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