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Glamis Night Ride

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Getting a group together for a Glamis Night ride on Friday June 3rd. Right now the plan is to leave Friday after work.. putting us there around 6pm, and then leave Saturday morning before it gets too hot.


Any takers?

Edited by watkins
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No takers?

THis will be my first time to the dunes, and the 2 others that are going have been there a few times. Looking for a couple more to make an enjoyable trip.



First time to the dunes man your spoiled getting to go to glamis. Take it slow at night it gets harry exspecially with stock liights!

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You're crazy for rideing dunes your first time at Glamis AT NIGHT!!! I went there last weekend for a night ride and you can't see shit! The lines are so hard to map out becuase there are no tracks and the sand is so smooth! You can't see very well at all and it's really hard to justify how fast you are going! Don't fly off a razor back!!! GOOD LUCK!!! :cheers:

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i AGREE WITH ALL DO NOT GO YOUR FIRST TIME AT NIGHT,even an experienced rider has trouble judging drop offs,not too mention jumping them on the way back been to glamis so many times, even with lazers not for me,if you decide cruise the sand highway and stay off the gas :shootself:

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You bunch of pussies!


Hey Watkins. It's on for Fathers Day. My buddy and I are getting out that Thursday till Sunday at pad 3. There will be tons of sick ass riding at night. Stock lights are fine. My buddy can lead a hell of a line at night and lots of the others guys going can rip it up too. The morning rides are the best though.

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It is def. an exciting twist on duning, but everytime my crew goes on a night ride, someone has a bad crash. One time we lost a dude that wasn't familiar with Glamis. He got behind and tried to cut across some small dunes to catch up, but he bit it in a nasty eye. He trashed his front end and broke his wrist. On top of that, we didn't find him until daylight.


It is fun, but be careful.

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Dude.  Your Rear Man needs to be punished.  We have a rail stay behind sometimes to help out the stragglers.  Less than 2 weeks!  PAD 3 off Gecko if anyone wants some sick rides.  All Fathers Day weekend.



He paid the price, thats for sure. Spending the night in the dunes is not fun.


I have had a couple of awsome night rides with small groups of seasoned riders.

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