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calling all fix it gurus

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heres the deal. A friends brother-in-law just moved here with a stock banshee. I have yet to meet him but tragedy has struck his machine. It's hard to start and smokes bad from the right pipe - fowls the right plug. The local yamaha joint right off says it's his crank seal. Rather than dumping a grand for no reason at the stealership Im pushing for him to let me fix it. So is there any way to test if the seal is bad? Im hopeing for something simple like a stuck carb float/slide. Also if the thing still has the ebrake and tors still hooked up would that provide the same symptoms ? Aparantly it ran fine when he last rode it a month ago. Any help greatly appreiciated

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Have you got a Clymer manual? ... It's well explained in there.


If not: The kit has all the neccessary adaptors to plug the engine's air entry and exit points. You then pressurise the engine with the pump through a spark plug hole (no more than 7psi), and see if it holds the pressure.


I don't think this'll be your problem tho', as the crankcases are linked by a labyrinth seal on the crank and therefore both cylinders would share the problem. :shrugani:



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If the crankseal was leaking, you might discharge tranny oil out the right side exhaust pipe, and if it isn't too bad, it would eventually pool itself in the header pipe. You can always take that off and check and see if any oil pours out. I agree w/the others though, I would clean carbs and eliminate jetting first .

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Whatever you do, dont take it to your dealership... for a grand you can do a lot with a private builder. Everyone has there favorite builder on this site so do some searches on builders and pick the right one for you before talking to your dealership again.

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Smoking excessivly on the right pipe is almost certainly a right hand crank seal. If you dont have access to a leak down tester,drain the trans fluid and put in ATF momentarely and start up...if it gets worse...BINGO

Edited by PassionRE
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You should do a proper leak down test. It is good practice to check regularly so you know the health of the motor. Check the clymers manual and get some plugs at the hardware store and a cheap hand pump w/gauge at the autoparts store.



Oh and my guess is the jetting is fat the right plug for me always seems to foul first when running to rich.

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thanks for the replys everyone. I don't know if this guy knows much about jetting or the basics of the carbs so Im hopeing that its something that simple - but reading passions post gives me more than a little doubt. I'll get to the bottom of it one way or another. Thanks again Norm

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