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can a 400 ex out climb a banshee

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i raced some kid that goes to school with me last year when i first got my shee he had a 440 kit stage two cams dropped a tooth a bunch of wieght reduction and i still smoked him when i was stock up sand mountain in utah oh yeah he had strait paddles and i had those heavy ass sand gekos ( never buy those they suck good for roost but suck up hills)/ and my dads got one to i raced him stock to stock i smoked him two once you pipe your shee though they dont there not even worth the gas to race them

Edited by jjfizzle51
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peak racing was modding the 90cc two stroke mini's that could hang with a stock 400ex

.the 400ex is good for wheeling and has a pretty decent stock suspension but thats about it.It takes alot more than just a pipe to make it haul ass :cry: as far as the climbing shit i don't have a clue, here in Louisiana we don't have hills much bigger than ant mounds

Edited by MDS2106
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how about down hill which quad would win?  :bolt:  :bolt:



my dad has a 400ex, and i think it feels alot more comfortablebecause you have more control of the rear brakes. like when you hit the brakes on the shee its either fast or they lock up, and you still slide, but on the ex you can slowly turn the wheels


jfizzle , slow down and type some periods , but in other news....my grannys 87 toyota camry can smoke a banshee up a hill



hey sorry about that guys i was in a hurry banghead:cry::shootself:

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yeah, I just rode around hatfield-McCoy for the last week with 3 400ex (2 of them worked pretty good, 1 stock), a stock z400, and my banshee.


The 400ex's are good for hillclimbs, they put a lot of power to the ground, and are good for manuevering up some crazy ass technical hillclimbs full of ruts, boulders, ledges that you gotta pop up over, and just about basically everything that could possibly ever be thrown at you in a hillclimb. They are stable in that respect.


Now my banshee on the other hand.....its not as nimble, and its not as manueverable. What it likes to do is hammer up hillclimbs 2nd gear pinned. While the 400ex is pussyfooting its way up around stuff, I just rocket up it bouncing and skipping over everything. The banshee took a beating, but it made it to the top every damn time.


Only time it didnt make it is when I high sided on my swing arm skidplate going up a climb and where it turned a corner it was rutted out. It was so steep at that time that I had to stay on my banshee and slide a rock over and wedge it in a crevice just to be able to stand to get the shee turned around.


And fuck whoever said a 400ex would be better at a quarter throttle. Get some pipes that will give you power everywhere in the rpm band. A banshee has more low end torque than you'll ever need....you just gotta build it that way.


I wish I had my helmet camera battery pack the 1st day. The one climb was quite technical. 2nd gear pinned over rocks that were bouncing you everywere, to the one area, where it was a step up of ledges each about a foot tall, 3 or 4 of them. Downshift to first and basically, on this hillclimb (that was steep enough to begin with), pull the front end up over the ledges, and hop your way up them somehow.

And then the hillclimb kept going.....

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i have NEVER had a problem with the front of my ex bein to lite in a hill climb. riders ability would have something to do with which would do better.


you guys are whining about people talkin shit on banshees and this is exactly why they do. you bitch more than any other quadsite i go to.


You are right in the aspect of rider skill. Some people can't control the 2 stroke snap from a banshee... and maybe you can keep your front end on the ground better than other EX riders. But you still forget that a banshee was built for sand riding and duning, and an EX was built for track/trail stability. There is no comparision for going uphill like the thrill and shear accleration of a banshee.


We don't bitch like other sites. Other 4 stroke sites start bitching about banshee owners the second they hear the term "2 stroke". I guess the rumes from straight gas is getting to their heads... there's also the 250R, the 'zilla family', the blaster, and Mojave. We bitch about 4 Strokes in general, reguardless of the brand/model. :rotflmao:



honda rules bitchez


Honda rules bitchez = bitchez ride honda


I see mostly girls riding hondas back home. :yank:

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