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Smokers suck......


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Guest blew duece
That's pretty fucking cool. Do you ever hang out with any of them? Why did you have to reregister? Thats sucks that your status went to like 3 posts. You go from legend to novice and I go from novice to Pro. Something seems kind of strange around here. :blink:


i know pimp it kinda sucks, 3 years ago i started a construction company with a friend and set him up with a web site, i thought ok cool ill use his server for my personal email cause at the studio we have a T-6 for nothing but audio transfers.....last week his sever took a shit and i stopped getting email from the HQ so i tried to change my email address and then shit hit the fan...i tried to change it back with no luck, after about a week i said fuck it ill reregister...so here i am a fucking newbie........and after 20 hours a day with some of these rapping morons the last thing i wanna do is hang out........... half of them dont know there goddamm times table...........i like hanging out with my 10 year old boy, me on my shee him on his CR fucking around in the desert, he's been jumping a few years and now wants to learn to back flip, his mom wants to fuckin throttle me, i personally dont have the balls to try a back flip, but my boy is all balls no brains............a chip off the ol block..........and dre is a cool dude, he smokes a shit load of weed though.......i produce a band called Fishbone and norwood the bassist can smoke weed 24/7.....the guy falls asleep with a jay in his mouth.......but none of them smoke cigs.........

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i know pimp it kinda sucks, 3 years ago i started a construction company with a friend and set him up with a web site, i thought ok cool ill use his server for my personal email cause at the studio we have a T-6  for nothing but audio transfers.....last week his sever took a shit and i stopped getting email from the HQ so i tried to change my email address and then shit hit the fan...i tried to change it back with no luck, after about a week i said fuck it ill reregister...so here i am a fucking newbie........and after 20 hours a day with some of these rapping morons the last thing i wanna do is hang out........... half of them dont know there goddamm times table...........i like hanging out with my 10 year old boy, me on my shee him on his CR fucking around in the desert, he's been jumping a few years and now wants to learn to back flip, his mom wants to fuckin throttle me, i personally dont have the balls to try a back flip, but my boy is all balls no brains............a chip off the ol block..........and dre is a cool dude, he smokes a shit load of weed though.......i produce a band called Fishbone and norwood the bassist can smoke weed 24/7.....the guy falls asleep with a jay in his mouth.......but none of them smoke cigs.........


I'm sure you already asked Lee about a fix. We know your status regardless of your number of posts. I kind of figured that about the rappers, I've never seen a smart rapper, just rich ones. :lol: Do they burn it in the studio?

What size bike does your son ride? I'm building a cr500af right now that will be pretty cool when I get it done(great for Dumont and Jawbone Canyon). I would love to do a back flip but know better than to try. I've been planning on building a freestyle ramp and landing ramp in the backyard, but haven't had the time with everything else going on. No back flips, just some easy knacks knacks and maybe a superman. Post some pics of your boy jumping, that would be cool to see.

What kind of music does Fishbone play? Got any samples we can here? Must be nice to get high on the job. :rolleyes:

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Guest blew duece

they all smoke like sons of bitches in the studio...when i rent them the room its theres...its funny i charge them 3500 a day and some of them will offer me coke and weed, they dont realize if im fucked up there records gonna sound like shit........i do like coffee on long sessions...my boy has an 04 CR85......that little bike is a rocket i ride it and pinn 4th and it wants to loop me............. me and some buds have made ramps for our quads, we scoot it close to a downhill, then start backing it up pretty soon your doing 60 footers....fishbone are kinda like ska......with a mix of funk, there a cross between No Doubt and the skelletones, they only sell about 800K copies of each album but have a massive underground following...most times ill hit the first jay passed around but 14 straight hours of puffin indo burns me out..and if im engineering theve hired me cause they like the way my tracks sound.........if you smoke weed for 10 hours straight after a while its not even gettin you high anymore...its funny artist's i started workin with in the early eighties, when my studio biz was small still want me today 25 years later, otherwise i dont engineer or produce, i have employees do the sessions........

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Guest blew duece
I saw Fishbone way way back in 93. Awesome band. What ever happened to them?



theve been around a while stan, that was angello, the short little bald kid, crazy little guy, fish the drummer plays with his back to the crowd and smokes on a drum kit...norwood the bassist is never not smoking weed...........one of my fav bands to hang with........

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theve been around a while stan, that was angello, the short little bald kid, crazy little guy, fish the drummer plays with his back to the crowd and smokes on a drum kit...norwood the bassist is never not smoking weed...........one of my fav bands to hang with........


One of my alltime favorite songs from them is "Swim"


God I need to dig that CD out again.

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theve been around a while stan, that was angello, the short little bald kid, crazy little guy, fish the drummer plays with his back to the crowd and smokes on a drum kit...norwood the bassist is never not smoking weed...........one of my fav bands to hang with........



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Brooke as always your a fuckin doll.........id like to see the good ol doctor quote one case of a parent dieing of smoking related causes and leaving a child orphaned...




It's called Social Security Survivors Insurance. US taxpayers were hit for an esimtated $10-50 Billion between 1990 and 1999 to pay for Survivors Insurance for the ~1 million kids left motherless or fatherless due to a smoking-attributable death.


"In 1994, smoking caused an estimated 44,000 male and 19,000 female U.S. deaths at ages 15-54, leaving 31,000 fatherless and 12,000 motherless youths."


For an abstract of the article, see:




And, to Brooke, who feels that her common sense is more reliable than controlled science, consider how every day your common sense tells you that the Earth is flat. Sometimes things are not as they appear...



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And, to Brooke, who feels that her common sense is more reliable than controlled science, consider how every day your common sense tells you that the Earth is flat.  Sometimes things are not as they appear...




right now my common sense is telling me that it took you waaaaay too long to dig up that info. oh and its also asking me to tell you to go fuck yourself.

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Guest blew duece

so let me see.....theres fuckesr 15 years old who are dead from smoking? man i gotta call bullshit...whats a smoking related death? the guy smokes a cig then gets hit by a car?......15-54? why not 0-100?.....i was born when my dad was 36 smoking 3 paks a day, when he died at 78 of colon cancer he was still smoking 3 packs a day........i just hapeened to ask my doctor what the percentage of people dying from smoking under 40 was and he said 4%...most people have kids in there mid twenties a higher percent in the early twenties than 30's..thats a butt load of kids loosing both parents and being left parentless (orphaned)..so both parents had to smoke and die from it before the kid turned 18........i think your chances of hitting the lottery are better...........

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