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Smokers suck......


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i dont think pimp realizes that most people with a lot of money worked damn hard to get that money, and work damn hard to keep that money.  people like him, who cry about rich people, think youre always born into wealth.  this is a handy way for him to think, because it lets him play the victim, just like he did with the smokers.  "oh rich people got their money dropped into their lap, since i wasnt born rich i can never be rich, and rich people are evil anyways, so i would never want to be rich" blah blah boohoo  :cry: 

life is what you make of it, man.  i look at pimp and i see someone who lives life with a childish mindset. he doesnt see deeper than the first layer.  eg a smoker, a rich person.  us grown up people see the complexity of people, issues, and values.  when i see somebody like blue, i dont just see money, i see the courage, intelligence, passion, perserverance, blood sweat and tears that it took to get where he is. he provides his family with security, a safe feeling.  that is very honorable.  he didnt buy their love, he earned it.  and he has earned a lot of respect and admiration from people on this site, and most likely people in his neighborhood, etc etc. 

a smoker isnt just a smoker. all pimp thinks is 'they are dumb, they are making themselves sick, they are polluting, they are weak willed'  life is messy, man. emotionally and physically.  pimp, you think you are so much better than people who smoke, but you arent. everyone has their vices. everyone does shit they know isnt the best for their health. everyone has an addiction to some degree or another.  and everyone deals with their emotions/stress differently, and usually not in the healthiest of ways.  i dont drink or smoke or do any drugs, but my coping mechanisms are probably just as unhealthy.  does that make me any better or worse than you or anyone else? no, that makes me HUMAN.  i think if you would take the time to actually have an honest genuine discussion with someone who smokes, or someone who you think is rich and stuck up, you might actually learn some good life lessons. you might actually see what life is like beyond your own small world. 

every person has an interesting story, you just have to ask the right question.


Brooke, babe you rock. That takes the words of all of us and sumed it all up. :notworthy:

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i dont think pimp realizes that most people with a lot of money worked damn hard to get that money, and work damn hard to keep that money.  people like him, who cry about rich people, think youre always born into wealth.  this is a handy way for him to think, because it lets him play the victim, just like he did with the smokers.  "oh rich people got their money dropped into their lap,


brooke your such a smart intuitive girl......I love you man :notworthy: ......but your so on check........ My wife and I started out sleeping in the back seat of my 500 dollar 69 Pontiac, my parents both worked for the government im the youngest of 5 we struggled our whole lives, but I wanted better for my kids so I worked my ass to the bone and still do, im working on my 16th Grammy for technical achievement in my studio's, cutting edge all the way

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i dont think pimp realizes that most people with a lot of money worked damn hard to get that money, and work damn hard to keep that money.  people like him, who cry about rich people, think youre always born into wealth.  this is a handy way for him to think, because it lets him play the victim, just like he did with the smokers.  "oh rich people got their money dropped into their lap, since i wasnt born rich i can never be rich, and rich people are evil anyways, so i would never want to be rich" blah blah boohoo  :cry: 

life is what you make of it, man.  i look at pimp and i see someone who lives life with a childish mindset. he doesnt see deeper than the first layer.  eg a smoker, a rich person.  us grown up people see the complexity of people, issues, and values.  when i see somebody like blue, i dont just see money, i see the courage, intelligence, passion, perserverance, blood sweat and tears that it took to get where he is. he provides his family with security, a safe feeling.  that is very honorable.  he didnt buy their love, he earned it.  and he has earned a lot of respect and admiration from people on this site, and most likely people in his neighborhood, etc etc. 

a smoker isnt just a smoker. all pimp thinks is 'they are dumb, they are making themselves sick, they are polluting, they are weak willed'  life is messy, man. emotionally and physically.  pimp, you think you are so much better than people who smoke, but you arent. everyone has their vices. everyone does shit they know isnt the best for their health. everyone has an addiction to some degree or another.  and everyone deals with their emotions/stress differently, and usually not in the healthiest of ways.  i dont drink or smoke or do any drugs, but my coping mechanisms are probably just as unhealthy.  does that make me any better or worse than you or anyone else? no, that makes me HUMAN.  i think if you would take the time to actually have an honest genuine discussion with someone who smokes, or someone who you think is rich and stuck up, you might actually learn some good life lessons. you might actually see what life is like beyond your own small world. 

every person has an interesting story, you just have to ask the right question.


Nice response, but you have obviously mis read me. Know matter what I said previously, I do have a certain amount of respect for Duece. There is no doubt that he has worked hard to get to the place he is, and that is repectful. He has also served our country and it sounds like he does some great things for his community. On the other hand, he is like a Jeckyl and Hyde. He will boast about all that he has done to help people at the same time he puts people down for being FAT, POOR, IGNORANT, LIVE IN A TRAILER, OR LIVE IN A CERTAIN AREA (LIKE FRESNO). Well, there are millionares that live in Fresno too. There are good people like the homeless people that he feeds on Christmas that live in Fresno. There are people that live in trailers that are fat that are good people that live in Fresno. How is he to come on here and say shit about saying somthing about smokers when he is putting down just as many poeple with his snobby ass atitude. He is like the Fucking Grinch at Christmas. I'm sure his story would totally change about giving to the poor if he didn't need the tax right off.

Did you know that cigerette/tobacco addiction is harder to quit than a heroin addiction. Should we legalize heroin and just say" let people do what they want to do". One of the great things about this country is the great oppurtunity we have to make our lives better and the help we can get if we need it. Why don't you jump on the bandwagon and start trying to help people instead of supporting them killing themselves? By the way, hookers do like old fat men with money.

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well pimp when your in business for yourself the paper you wipe your ass with is a write off, but i dont need it when i have a big tax liability i expand my business, thats how i got to be one of the badest fuckers in the recording/film industry....... as far as the rich living in fresno, who you talking about the mayor? how many people you know hit the lottery and say "oh fuck were rich lets move to fresno" come on dude it's the pit of califonia, fuck your talking to someone who's lived in california for his whole life and since im an old fuck as you say, probally 20 years before you were born, i myself would rather live in death valley than fresno....bakesfeild and fresno are the butthole of california and there right next to each other, thats your problem man your living in fresno, and when you open your eyes you think your looking out into newport harbor, you see someone who smokes and you look down on them, whereas, i only look down on dumb fucks like you, because its nobodys fault but your own your a dumbass, i could just see you and 5 of your pals they must snicker when your not around..... do you know how anal you sound, im starting to think your really a chic, ive never heard a guy sound like you, most guys are wondering if the lakers won or not.......... and i could give a fuck what you do for a living or how much you make, one thing im real fucking sure of is, your somebodys bitch, whether its your wife or your boss, i at least call the shots in my world....... :cheers: moron

Edited by Blue Duece
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:notworthy: thank you for the kind words guys. stan, ill send you a brooke in 08 bumper sticker as soon as they come in :rotflmao:

again blue shows what a badass fuck he is. haha i love it :lol:

i think poor ol pimp has a hard time following what people say to him. he cant seem to shut his mouth long enough to fuckin hear what people are trying to tell him. typical elitist, talks about caring about people while he sits waaay up on his high horse and looks down on them. you dont care about the health of smokers, you care that it bothers YOU, and you especially care that it gives you a perfect excuse to open your ignorant mouth and talk down to people without having to use a single brain cell.


the scariest part is, youve already procreated. :blink:

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Judgemental? Smoking = Suicide. People that commit suicide are fucking weak loosers that get no respect. I have loved ones that smoke, but that doesn't mean I don't love them and it doesn't make them any fucking smarter. Don't get me wrong, I like and love these people but I hate that they take life for granted while at the same time teaching their kids to do the same. Hey, if you wanna kill/puff your life away knowone is stopping you.




I bet the idiot that started this thread drinks and drives on a regular basis.

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:notworthy:  thank you for the kind words guys. stan, ill send you a brooke in 08 bumper sticker as soon as they come in  :rotflmao:

again blue shows what a badass fuck he is. haha i love it  :lol:

i think poor ol pimp has a hard time following what people say to him. he cant seem to shut his mouth long enough to fuckin hear what people are trying to tell him.  typical elitist, talks about caring about people while he sits waaay up on his high horse and looks down on them.  you dont care about the health of smokers, you care that it bothers YOU, and you especially care that it gives you a perfect excuse to open your ignorant mouth and talk down to people without having to use a single brain cell. 


the scariest part is, youve already procreated.  :blink:



First thing on your agenda should be outlawing Michael Moore. Not what he does..just him. Make HIM illegal so we can ship him to North Korea or somewhere in Tibet then slam the fuckin door.

This is off topic, but I got told by my wifes friend...in my OWN FUCKIN HOUSE last night that "Michael Moore is such a brave man! He speaks about things that others are afraid to"

I got a bloody nose and had to leave the room.

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First thing on your agenda should be outlawing Michael Moore. Not what he does..just him. Make HIM illegal so we can ship him to North Korea or somewhere in Tibet then slam the fuckin door.

This is off topic, but I got told by my wifes friend...in my OWN FUCKIN HOUSE last night that "Michael Moore is such a brave man! He speaks about things that others are afraid to"

I got a bloody nose and had to leave the room.



omfg i think i woulda stroked out. hahahaha

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first off bone head this is a banshee site..and you got a pic of some piece of shit wanna be boat..second and i mean this from the heart..FUCK OFF. i smoke and if i notice someone is bothered by my smoke i either put it out or move to an area that it wont bother anyone so dont say all smokers are assholes who dont care about anyone else..third all these people you are talking about stinking up your garage with smoke..its just a guess but if they are in your house dosnt that mean they are friends??? my god man what kind of ass wipe pole smoker talks shit about friends??? why dont you go stick our pecker in the prop of that boat!! people like you shouldnt be allowed to reproduce

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This thread stresses me out.



I think I'll go have a smoke.....










Enough of the banana boat pics in your sig. PLEASE make it smaller. I can't stand looking at your silly half ton pulling a water weenie vessel. What exactly do you do with that boat?? Can't fish with it, cant wakeboard with it. You must be a

mono skier.



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Enough of the banana boat pics in your sig. PLEASE make it smaller. I can't stand looking at your silly half ton pulling a water weenie vessel.  What exactly do you do with that boat?? Can't fish with it, cant wakeboard with it. You must be a

mono skier.




well i guess there wont be any smoking on that boat.. and i agree lose the banaha boat from the sig or make it smaller...this is a banshee site maybe you could put it in your sig ... ohh but it smokes too so you prolly hate it...

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