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Smokers suck......


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iv been a smoker for just under a year now.


in my opinion, when your time is up, your time is up.... we all die one day!!!!


if i die because of smoking its my own fauld. >>> :shrugani: <<< i shrug my shoulders at it.


Sure, we're all going to die one way or another, but some ways suck a lot more than others. You're ready for this? -->




Half of smoking-caused deaths occur before old age. Shrug, eh?


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Sure, we're all going to die one way or another, but some ways suck a lot more than others.  You're ready for this? -->




Half of smoking-caused deaths occur before old age.  Shrug, eh?



Wow Doc, great article. That really sucks for his little girls. Thats scary to read his little girl at 9 years old was already caught with cigs.

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weve learned not to book the red team when the blue teams in the house, its only the rap acts that get crazy and none of them want to see me or my staff hurt, if a doctor was performing brain surgery on you, he'd be the last guy youd shoot, they come to us to make there otherwise out of sync grooves and shitty vocals sound tit's.....10 years ago some pricks cleaned out one of my rooms at gun point, they unscrewed 96 modules out of the console, all the tape machines, cumputers, everything but the carpet got jacked it tookem over 2 hours to do it, now we have gates and security anywhere you can come or go from the place


For some reason as I read your post all I could think of was Boolean Circles.

I think this is how it all breaks down.


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Alright "Pimp"... here is my two cents..... I smoke outside... I don't smoke around non-smokers if at all possible. I used to.. but that was then, people grow...evolve..


Just last week one of my very close, best friends died... I had to say goodbye to him this saturday for the last time... A moto-x buddy, a skiing buddy... and a long term friend.. What'd he die of? He just dropped... He had a great day hiking, came down and collapsed.

Did he smoke? NO, never. Did he drink? Nope. Did he eat unhealthy? No, except for the occassional treat... He was an outdoor enthusiast... and it was his time.


::: RIP Anthony ::: I'm missing ya bro..


My points are, that those of us who smoke:

A ) Aren't all inconsiderate cancerous assholes blowing smoke into your childrens faces... I think it's gross when someone picks their nose in public or yells at their children in the grocery store. I also think it's rude and such when someone doesn't keep up their hiegene and decides to enter a crowded area I'm in... But am I starting hate-threads about it?


B ) You are NOT Immortal because you don't smoke.... Let me sum this up with probably the best way to put it.... By a great comedian named Bill Hicks..perhaps you've heard him before:


"Obnoxious , self-righteous, whining little fucks. My biggest fear is that if I quit smoking, I'll become on of you...Don't take that wrong. I have something to tell you non-smokers that I know for a fact that you don't know, and I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times. Ready?.......Non-smokers die every day...Enjoy your evening. See, I know that you entertain this eternal life fantasy because you've chosen not to smoke, but let me be the 1st to POP that bubble and bring you hurtling back to reality....You're dead too."

- Bill Hicks



Revising to clarify something



If you came on here and said... "I quit 15 years ago and my lungs feel great now, I can breath easier, walk and run for longer durations...even do my girlfriend longer in bed!" u know... like a testimonial.... i'd get all cheesy and reply "Way to go Tiger! good for U! I can't wait for those days!" .... and seriously... i'd respect you.


But come on here & call me and every other smoker (occassional or chain) a dirty scumbag who doesn't deserve the freedom to enjoy tobacco or life.... I don't stand for that... That shit doesn't fly where I come from..


Nonsmokers... if you're proud about it and don't pitch it up to everyone u see with a butt in their mouth... i respect that... Just not this asshat thread.

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Alright "Pimp"...  here is my two cents..... I smoke outside... I don't smoke around non-smokers if at all possible. I used to.. but that was then, people grow...evolve..


Just last week one of my very close, best friends died... I had to say goodbye to him this saturday for the last time... A moto-x buddy, a skiing buddy... and a long term friend..  What'd he die of?  He just dropped... He had a great day hiking, came down and collapsed.

Did he smoke?  NO, never. Did he drink? Nope. Did he eat unhealthy? No, except for the occassional treat... He was an outdoor enthusiast... and it was his time.


::: RIP Anthony ::: I'm missing ya bro..


My points are, that those of us who smoke:

A ) Aren't all inconsiderate cancerous assholes blowing smoke into your childrens faces... I think it's gross when someone picks their nose in public or yells at their children in the grocery store. I also think it's rude and such when someone doesn't keep up their hiegene and decides to enter a crowded area I'm in... But am I starting hate-threads about it?


B ) You are NOT Immortal because you don't smoke....  Let me sum this up with probably the best way to put it.... By a great comedian named Bill Hicks..perhaps you've heard him before:


"Obnoxious , self-righteous, whining little fucks. My biggest fear is that if I quit smoking, I'll become on of you...Don't take that wrong. I have something to tell you non-smokers that I know for a fact that you don't know, and I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times. Ready?.......Non-smokers die every day...Enjoy your evening. See, I know that you entertain this eternal life fantasy because you've chosen not to smoke, but let me be the 1st to POP that bubble and bring you hurtling back to reality....You're dead too."

- Bill Hicks



Revising to clarify something



If you came on here and said... "I quit 15 years ago and my lungs feel great now, I can breath easier, walk and run for longer durations...even do my girlfriend longer in bed!"  u know... like a testimonial.... i'd get all cheesy and reply "Way to go Tiger! good for U! I can't wait for those days!" .... and seriously... i'd respect you.


But come on here & call me and every other smoker (occassional or chain) a dirty scumbag who doesn't deserve the freedom to enjoy tobacco or life....  I don't stand for that... That shit doesn't fly where I come from..


Nonsmokers... if you're proud about it and don't pitch it up to everyone u see with a butt in their mouth... i respect that... Just not this asshat thread.


Your right, we should have the right to treat our body the way we like as long as we are not imposing on someone elses life. Thats the tricky part though. Every new smoker that starts witnessed somebody else do it before they started. Point being (Dr.Overkills post) about the 9-year-old girl getting caught with her daddy's cigs that is dying from cancer from smoking. That means to me you have imposed wether your aware or not that you did. Alot of people that start smoking start at a young age and don't have the knowledge not to start. If smoking wasn't proven to cause cancer, this conversation would not have even taken place.


I'm assuming you have read this entire thread and are aware of some people being fired for smoking from their jobs. On one hand I don't think this is right. You should have the right to do what ever you want to do while your not at work as long as your not harming anyone. On the other hand, I do think it is right because of the way it effects everyone's health care costs. It's not right that smoking imposes on mine and every other non-smokers wallet. I do have the power to not hang around people that smoke, but I personally don't have the power to change health care costs. To me this is imposing also.


Sorry to hear about you friend. May he rest in peace. Good to hear from you Lee.

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smoking is bad for your health. we all get it. that doesnt make you any less of an asshole though.


u can tug the heart strings all you want with this "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREEEEEEN??!!" bullshit, but considering the rates of obesity among children are threatening to lower the life expectancy of the next generation, im much more worried about that problem. same goes for healthcare costs, obesity is more of a strain.

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the government over here are setting up a new law that is kicking in around 2006/07. they are making it illegal to smoke in public places..... that means bars, the street, a park, night clubs, etc. you will only be alowed to smoke in a private place.... you house.


the law is coming into force because "health carers" think there are too many people in the uk that smoke or who die from smocking related diseases.


i am going to try and stop smoking but prolly not until then.

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Your right, we should have the right to treat our body the way we like as long as we are not imposing on someone elses life. You should have the right to do what ever you want to do while your not at work as long as your not harming anyone. On the other hand, I do think it is right because of the way it effects everyone's health care costs. It's not right that smoking imposes on mine and every other non-smokers wallet.

That 300 pound fat chic in your office is effecting my cost's.......... for 4 decades the insurance companies have charged smokers accordingly, so your again full of shit, they don't cost you a nickel, in fact their inflated rates cover other expenditures

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A lot of restaurants and public places in Oklahoma have gone to no smoking. The statistical data of respiratory related illnesses has dropped significantly since this has taken place. So it is showing a postive affect.


My 2 cents... smokers get a bad rap in society because in a lot of cases they put their addiction before the consideration of others. Why? cause it's a very powerful addiction , rated as powerfull as many street drugs. This addiction in turn makes one thing a higher priority than anything else and that is satisfying the addiction. It's just like any other addiction, anything else becomes of a less importance as the "crave" becomes more and more apparent. Though many of us are able and care enough not to offend others with our habbits, addiction is a powerful thing that can drive and persuade many people to place less importance on other things to satisfy the addiction.


This doesn't necessarily include smokers "only". There's many addictions of different types where people have the "I have to have it now" attitude and you are at some time going to put someone out because of it. Smokers are on a large scale so it receives all the attention. I know there are many considerate people though there are many inconsiderate people. It's those that ruin it for everybody else. As the case with soo many other things in society.

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That 300 pound fat chic in your office is effecting my cost's.......... for 4 decades the insurance companies have charged smokers accordingly, so your again full of shit, they don't cost you a nickel, in fact their inflated rates cover other expenditures


No. The cost burdens come from the uninsured and the underinsured, and the folks who are dropped by their insurance companies after they find out they've been lying about their smoking status. Medicaid picks up the tab, and we ALL pay for Medicaid. The cost burdens also come from lost productivity (nationally) due to illness and death caused by tobacco, and the cost of supporting children who are left without parents who die from smoking caused disease. The extra few dollars that a minority of smokers pay to their private insurers doesn't cover any of these costs.



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No.  The cost burdens come from the uninsured and the underinsured, and the folks who are dropped by their insurance companies after they find out they've been lying about their smoking status.  Medicaid picks up the tab, and we ALL pay for Medicaid.  The cost burdens also come from lost productivity (nationally) due to illness and death caused by tobacco, and the cost of supporting children who are left without parents who die from smoking caused disease. The extra few dollars that a minority of smokers pay to their private insurers doesn't cover any of these costs.




Thanks Doc, very good info. :clap:

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