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k and n filters


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i want to get a k and n for my banshee and was wondering if they actually do anything on a stock banshee? i just wanted to know before i spend the money on something that might not even make a difference


yes it will help dont forget to jet mine runs fine with it worth the money

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It will make a difference but know that you will have to through in some bigger main jets for the carbs and you might as well get an outerwear for the filter and a ProFlow Plate and remove the airlid for better airflow. Then when you have the bucks get some pipes.

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Might as well buy the pro-flow kit w/k+n filter. Is 99.99 most places, have seen it for 89.99 though. In Dirt Wheels about 7-8 months back they did a pipe shootout for the yfz450. Before they started, they removed just the lid on airbox and jetted accordingly, then they dyno'd it. W/just the lid removed made 1 horsepower improvement. Not bad for just removing the lid.

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K&N will let more air into the engine. Buy the outware also and ditch the airbox lid. Put some screws throught the airbox to hold the airfiletr assembly in place, later on you can get the adapter plate.



K&N filter $40

outware $10

280 mains $03 x 2


total $69




If you want to get and adapter plate, get a cheap one, no need to spend a lot in something like that. Alba action has some, probably other people too. The biggest difference in power comes from the pipes so get ones. :cheers:

Edited by richybanshee
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  • 2 weeks later...
ID - 2.25"


OD - 3.5"




Rocky Mountain ATV:  $46 for a pair. + $20 for outerwears




i just bought some from www.ajusa.com

cost was 26.08 for model ru-1720. this was 20 degree angle 2.25 inlet with a 3.5 by 6 inch body.

precharger was model ru-0520 , cost was 12.11

shipping was free for a total of 76.38

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