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What's the average price of a rebuild?


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I am looking for an average price of rebuilding my shee. I realize that this is kind of an open ended question, but I guess what I am looking for is a ball park figure on how much I am going to spend to tear my shee down, PC the frame, replace a few bearings, then reassemble it. I already have an extended swingarm, and was thinking of some quicksand a-arms. My engine is sound, so that doesn't need to factor into the cost.


Thanks inadvance for any input....

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Looking at:


Sandblasting~ 40-70$

Pc~ 130-200$

Bearings~ Well you could spend 500$ on bearings, so that's your discretion

A-arms~ 500 for full PC, 550$ for chrome uppers and 600$ for full chrome

Shocks (needed ford a-arms)~ 650-1300$ Unless you go with works.




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