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Race gas and whatnot...

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Ok ok, I know I need to run race gas if I run 19cc domes, but why exactly do I have to? Can anyone explain what happens if you dont rune race gas? I had the shee out the other day and it *appears* to run fine except that it wont shut off with the on/off switch. I cleaned the switch out really good but...wtf?

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I have a local gas station that sells 110 at the pump for 3.59. You should look in the phone book and call all the oil companies and stuff that are in it they should know where to get it.


If you run to low of octane your gas will ignite under pressure and not under spark wich will cause detonation. Detonation is like bombs going off in your cylinders and it will tear them up quickly. You should hear detonation. What kind of compression numbers are you hitting?

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Your kill switch is an open circuit. So lonk as the contacts don't touch, Bike will run. Perhaps you have a break in the wires somewhere or your swich crapped on ya. If your detonating...you'd here it pingin'. By then, it may be 2 late. Any Motorcycle/race/track shop should have some good VP fuel on hand.

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If you run to low of octane your gas will ignite under pressure and not under spark wich will cause detonation.  Detonation is like bombs going off in your cylinders and it will tear them up quickly.


excellent analysis. :clap:


in a more technical sense: to low of octane will cause premature ignition of the fuel mixture. This causes harmful, and possibly fatal, motor malfunctions.

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The sound will definetly be an unmistakeable PING.You will know when you hear it.Any sign of minute grey specks in your plugs will indicate a bad PING.It may be too late then.

I don't think anyone has the balls to post a sound bite of a detonating shee.It take quite the dedicated member! :blink:

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Sometimes, it's easier for someone else to hear detonation. I've heard other people's Banshees detonating from a distance but they didn't notice it.

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Running too low of octane to support the amount of compresion can result in preignition, pinging, run-on, and detonation. These symptoms are all related but different. High cylinder pressures create high temperature making the fuel want to ignite before the spark fires. More octane increases the temperatura at which the fuel will self ignite (flash point). If you are running pump fuel with 19cc domes, you may be experiencing run-on if your kill switch was working fine before. If you take your shee out for a romp you may get to hear some pinging followed by detonation. Pinging would sound like a couple of marbles boucing around inside your pipes.

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