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Man, meth in Kansas and Oklahoma is getting so bad that getting NH3 to farm with is almost pure hell. I think it will not be long before they are trying to get us to keep any tanks we have on the place locked in the shed. I farmer friend of mine had two guys walk up to his door one night with burns over %50 or their bodies because their moble meth lab exploded in flames about 1/4 mile from his house.

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Meth...... Theres no Meth in Kansas and Oklahoma??  :bolt:


Everyday almost in the local news here in Pitt you here about a meth lab getting busted somewhere within a 100 mile radius. Or you hear about trucks getting stopped on the hiways and getting busted with 100s of pounds of weed lol.

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south central and eastern ks is beyond bad, i know people that have lost oh say 60 lbs broke out in zits, and they pick them and eat them, i saw this one lady to it. beyond gross.


i know about 20 people on meth right now. cops wont even jack with them for some reason. :shrugani::shrugani:

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