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Check out this port job!


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Technically they are refered to as "auxillary" ports. This particular example is backyard attempt of what the new Cub cylinders are sporting. Not a bad job though, I would have done them a little differently, but they can be saved if the transfer duration isn't off the charts....Jim

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ill  tell you the scary part is someone actually is gonna pay alot for these jugs in the  end ,apparently the porter wasnt real big on the intake velocity theory :D  as he would have like none whatsoever,and look at how the intake windows flow in to the upper transfer, i mean what used to be the upper transfers. holy shit :whoa:  this engine tuner must have had parkinsons diseaes and shaked uncontrollably with a die grinder in his hands :huh: it only goes to show

if you put  ported jugs on fleabay ,theyll sell like hot cakes, regardless if it was  ported by captain caveman with a hammer and chisel  or not,kids are dumb! :rolleyes:


did anyone read what i wrote??its called a Booster port it lets more air in when the piston is in the intake position... I would buy them

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did anyone read what i wrote??its called a Booster port it lets more air in when the piston is in the intake position... I would buy them



it looks a bit dangerous for ring snags and wear ,maybe its kick ass to some people ,maybe not,but if it were making ignorant amounts of power, he wouldnt be selling it,if you like the porting on them: then buy it! :blink:

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