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Banshee has no spark after teardown?


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Pulled down the bike a couple of days ago, had the crank out of the bike, went to smaller domes on the head, and lightened the flywheel. Also took the e-brake cable off. Have tested, stator, pickup coil, swapped out coil, swapped out cdi box, pulled apart key switch and cleaned, pulled apart kill switch and cleaned, still no spark or intermittent spark. It has run a couple of times since the build but acts like it is flooded, no power, won't idle, missing and it won't run very long when I can get it to start. I guess what I am asking is how do I bypass the plug for the park brake and would that cause the type of problem that I am having. The TORS plug is disconnected and the TORS are eliminated. I am at my wits end. After all the reading I have done this morning I am thinking that it is because I pulled my park brake cable but I couldn't find the info to bypass that.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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You could have a bad ground at the coil. It has to have a good bare metal grounding point where it bolts on to the frame. Your TORS should be disconected at the black box which is adjacent to the coil. Are the carbs clean? Have you puled the plugs and watched while someone kicked it? THe plug boots could be bad. You say you checked the various components. WHat did you check them against? Manual specs?

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