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pros and cons of twist throttle


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I love my twist throttle and I will never go back to the thumb. I just didn't like having a sore thumb after 15 minutes of riding. People don't like the twist throttle because when they go over the woops they can't hold the throttle still and they give it gas and almost lose control. But say good bye to your sore thumb.

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I had a 1/4 twist and really liked it. After I got some porting done though I went back to a thumb. When you are hanging on for dear life it is hard to get off the gas with a twist throttle. Plus with a single carb and a new throttle cable I can hardly tell I'm pushing it.

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I have a KX 125 and I love the twist throttle on there, I had one on my old shee once you start putting work into the bike it becomes uncontrollable with a twist throttle. If leave the shee stock with a twist its ok, but then again a stock shee is like a 21year old virgin, your chances of finding one are slim! :D







I had a 1/4 twist and really liked it.  After I got some porting done though I went back to a thumb.  When you are hanging on for dear life it is hard to get off the gas with a twist throttle.  Plus with a single carb and a new throttle cable I can hardly tell I'm pushing it.


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Guest nightmare

I used to have a twist throttle on my 250R. I slipped a peg and ran over my foot( you know you all did it once), the harder I held on the more gas I was giving it. It pulled me off the bike. I completely ran over myself. Tire tread marks on my leg was enough for me, no more twist throttle here.

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Thanks for the input. I grew up on Dirt Bikes and have been riding quads for about 8 years now. I am pretty used to using both so I'm devided on switching or not. I had a twist on my Raptor, but it didn't have the peppiness my Banshee does. Ah shit, theres more important things to get first, after all my Banshee is still bone stock.

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Thanks for the input. I grew up on Dirt Bikes and have been riding quads for about 8 years now. I am pretty used to using both so I'm devided on switching or not. I had a twist on my Raptor, but it didn't have the peppiness my Banshee does. Ah shit, theres more important things to get first, after all my Banshee is still bone stock.



yea but one of the first thigns toat is a godo mod after replacing the clutch pipes and airfiler is to get rid of the carb TORS. Even though I sitched the stock crbs eventualy and saved some cash, I would GLADLY take back my precious time jetting those bastards and pay the money for removing that crappy system.


of course I hardly ever ride through a puddle let alone water.


Broblem with twist on a quad is turing it will be easy to turn right sure, but think about what your wrist does when you turn left....yup...not really an issues on a dirtbike where you don't make sharp turns with the handlebars the same you you do on a quad.


just my opinion, but some swear by twist so even with those problems it's all preference. Thumb Pump goes away after the first or second trip for the most part...and I have larger carbs.

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Keep your eyes open on the trade section. Usually you can find somebody trying to go back to a thumb throttle. I grew up on dirt bikes as well and have used twist on all my quads. I haven't had a near miss in the past 10 years. You learn how to keep your wrist straight.

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