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Social Security


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i love people who get all their information/knowledge from junk emails.


some people will believe anything.


For once I think we agree.

Like all those millions who actually believed all the "intelligence" that was spread about how 'Sodom Hoosane is gonna nuke every man woman and child in the US with his dubbyuh imm deez that he can actuvat within a haff arrr of givin' the ordurrs'.

Not exactly on the topic of Soc Sec but the fact remains the fat cat's get fatter and everyone else gets the left overs. Social security has been raped by every politician who wanted a few more bucks for himself.

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For once I think we agree.

Like all those millions who actually believed all the "intelligence" that was spread about how 'Sodom Hoosane is gonna nuke every man woman and child in the US with his dubbyuh imm deez that he can actuvat within a haff arrr of givin' the ordurrs'.

Not exactly on the topic of Soc Sec but the fact remains the fat cat's get fatter and everyone else gets the left overs. Social security has been raped by every politician who wanted a few more bucks for himself.


first of all, the WMD info didnt originate from junk emails.... if you still havent heard where and what all the evidence was, youve been hiding under a rock. newsflash: it didnt originate from bush.

and secondly, how has social security been raped by every politician who wanted a few more bucks for himself? please explain.

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first of all, the WMD info didnt originate from junk emails.... if you still havent heard where and what all the evidence was, youve been hiding under a rock. newsflash: it didnt originate from bush. 

and secondly, how has social security been raped by every politician who wanted a few more bucks for himself? please explain.


Both I and the WMD's have been hiding under the same rock. Of course it didn't originate from bush, his brain has been toasted years ago by malted hops and bong resin. All he can do is believe what he's told whether it makes sense or not. Rest assured, he'll never know the difference.

And on Soc Sec being raped... have their ever been reductions in payments, will the people who have paid in for their entire working lives get out what is promised to them when the money was pulled out of their checks? Will Soc Sec be able to continue to do what it was designed to do or has it been abused to the point that it will not exist when we should be able to depend on it? Money has been repeatedly pulled from the SS budget for anything and everything that has been deemed more important. Granted, SS was never designed to be a retirement account to live on. But for those who for one reason or another have needed the safety net of SS, the net has been ripped and torn, left to dryrot and stretched beyond it's limits and will soon fail to exist at all. Who's fault is that? The politicians who have neglected it. Like I said before, if they had to do the same things {president included} that they expect the rest of this country to do, things would change almost immediately.

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youre so dramatic.

go look up the history of social security. it shouldnt even still exist. the reasons it was created for are all gone now.

its so easy for you all to say "yea everything is because of the evil fat cats in washington" and everyone jumps on the bandwagon and says "yeah!!" but theres just no substance to that sorry old standby of an excuse.

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at first i liked bush and stood behind his reasoning ,but im seeing the lightand realize this guy is a fuc*in idiot ,and i toattly agree about our troops getting screwed while these fat cats in washington are living it up,wheres the accountability ??i know first hand about how messed up the government is, my wife is in iraq and our insurance sucks and for what u.s. offers its vets ,is sickening.as bad as it sounds i dont think we even need to worry about ss when we have nations of millions of people who want to take our life for no reason other than we are americans.at this rate well all be atoms floating in the heavens before we retire. :blink:

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I did find this though...

Q23: Was the original Social Security program designed to be self-supporting?


A: Yes. In fact the actuaries estimated the program would have a $47 billion reserve by 1980, and the Trust Fund balance hit $46 billion in 1974. However, the reserve declined after that so that the balance stood at only $26 billion in 1980. (Today the Trust Fund reserves are over $1 trillion.)

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I thought they stopped burying "regular" soldiers in Arlington. Did the government cover the entire funeral expense?


Not sure about the expenses nor did I fly out there for it. I was surprised it was there too. What I do know is it was at Arlington and Paul Wolfowitz attended and the soldier who escorted Nancy Reagan for her husbands funeral was the same one who escorted his mother. I hope they covered the costs but I don't know.

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umm holyman i never said ss had an expiration date. push the throttle was right, i was referring to the reasons the system was created, and the fact that those reasons do not exist anymore.

the reasons for the recent panic over social security being in trouble is not because of "the fat cats in washington" taking money from the fund, its the fact that the baby boomers are all reaching retirement age shortly, will be pulling from the fund while 1. the next generation in line isnt as large as the baby boomers generation, and therefore fewer people will be paying in while so many are pulling from it, and 2. the life expectancy of the average person has soared, while the retirement age hasnt changed much, so people will be living off of and pulling from the fund for waaay longer than expected when the system was first put into place.


its just an outdated system and needs reform, or to be replaced alltogether. but no matter who takes that first step to do something about it, democrat or republican, they will face an army of ridicule. just the nature of the beast of change.

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