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Social Security


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have you ever thought that all this shit you think is new to us, WTO protests etc., is just old news. boring. lame. nothing you say is interesting or insightful. i only reply to you to push your buttons. you are dilusional, justin, you think you know so much about so many things when in fact you have no fucking clue. you read things on the internet, hear things from other people then just reiterate them ver batem. that doesnt make you an intelligent person, that makes you a parrot.

i actually feel bad for you. but not bad enough to be nice to you.


do society a favor and get clipped. ill pay for the operation.

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name calling and attacking makes you sound stupid and you lose credability in the eyes of others when you make your cocky remarks. If I could give some advice... If your going to engage in a dabate, be respectful of others opinions, 'smart' is far more attractive than cocky.


Brooke how does a self employed person like yourself pay your social security taxes each week ?? Im not sure how that works.

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I also agree that the govt shouldnt be responsible for paying my expenses when I hit 65yrs old, but in reality they're NOT paying for our retirement, we are they ones that contribute from OUR paychecks... damn i'v been giving them money out of my hard earned paycheck every week for the past 15 years so I can get that social security check, and now they're telling me.... "tuff luck, no more money to give out, we used it all, plus we borred agaist it, so your on your own now" And the final kick in the balls..... is the email I posted that started this thread. Thats mine and your tax money funding the retirement of these politicans. I would fund thier retirement if the numbers were realistic, say they'd get $40,000 grand a year to retire with. but NOoo... we're payin' millions for thier retirement.

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I'm staying out of this thread for the most part because I dont know a whole hell of a lot about social security all I know is I could make a killing if I just put it in a Roth IRA instead of sending it to the government thats for damn fucking sure.


And secondly Meat as I posted earlier thats a bogus e-mail check the link I dropped on my firs tpost in this thread, whats talked about i nthe e-mail was done away with in the 80'.


And on a side note is there a reason I get spanked with even more taxes from my profit sharing checks than my regular checks? I'm talking like 40% compared to orughly 33% on my regular checks. And damn if $40k is the upper class I must be rich making $55-60k/year. Except I support a fiancee and infant on top of that and she doesn't work she stays home with him, rather she raise him than some babysitter. Call me old fashioned a biggot whatever I really dont care anymore.

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China will run into trouble shortly as under communist rule they were only allowed one or two children thus leaving them short on workers to keep up with their economic boom...oops! :shrugani:

Holyman , I wouldnt misquote you, go back and check.

Justin you are right about corporations contributing to candidates, you only failed to mention that most give to both parties as to have a dog in the race no matter

who wins.

The largest employer in the U.S. is small business, yes "mom and pops" not the big bad corporations as some had hoped... so it stands to reason that an owner of a company will pay alot more taxes than its workers , sometimes combined.

Sure there are people out there who scam the tax system but how many can do it and get away with it? Im betting not the majority of them... and Holyman remind me not to do business w/any of your scammer friends..what kind of people do you hang around with? :lol:

Getting back to soc. security... after the depression they got "the new deal"...

now for us it has turned into "the raw deal"... the younger generation has grown up expecting there to be no soc. sec. for them yet we still will have to pay into the

system for current retirees. Bush wants to give people the OPTION....let me make this clear.....(clears throat) O P T I O N ! to take a small part of their contribution and direct it into the market where history has proven it will get a better return, OR you can use the system as it is currently designed. The system was put in place to help americans after the depression when saving for retirement was next to impossible... Ive never planned to rely on it , thats what 401k's and your personal investments are for , but it will be a welcomed supplement .

Cheers to you fireman , I also do what it takes so my wife can stay home and raise our kids... :clap:

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And on a side note is there a reason I get spanked with even more taxes from my profit sharing checks than my regular checks? I'm talking like 40% compared to orughly 33% on my regular checks.

I think it's because profit sharing is considered a bonus and not regular income. You get taxed higher on bonuses.

On my last job I was provided with a company car because we often left directly from home and went to the claims we saw. Then some idiot politician decided to prevent the company from writing that off. So what does the company do??? Charge us for using the company car to do our jobs and then paying us for the extra expense of using the car. The pay received from the company to pay for using the car was taxed at a higher rate because it was seen as a bonus. How screwed up is that... your company has to pay you to use their own car and then you get taxed extra for taking the pay bangheadbangheadbanghead


Push... The reason bush is paying more tax than the previous presidents is because he's too stupid to count :evil: and he {as you stated} wasn't nearly as rich as the other. The more you make, the less you pay. That's the rule.

The lack of the Governments concern for jobs at home as compared to profits for the high rollers is proven by the stats you showed. How many times has globalization been promoted as a good thing? Every day. Yet all it has done is cripled the American worker. So why promote it? Because the huge corporations will mutiply their profits, pay some token taxes {the tax rate shrinks but because of the volume the profit goes up}, and the average idiot American continues to buy cheaper and cheaper products because they are trained from infancy to consume or they are trying to stretch their unemployment money as far as it will go.

And for those who say to invest in the market, what about all the folks who invested in one of the most secure and profitable companies of all time and lost it all? Enron. So you don't want to be on Social Security or you'd rather invest it yourself. Fine. Who will you invest in? Some Mega Company who just took more American jobs and sent them to China. Does that make sense? No. China is an "axis of evil" nation. Yet how many products are made there that Americans buy every day? Millions. So the rhetoric about evil nation this and that is BS. We have a great country but if China can turn out 700,000 trained and educated engineers, then what's wrong with this country? It's greed for the mighty dollar. But if you look at the big picture, the dollar isn't so great either. It is worth about 1/2 of a Euro. So you can complain about other countries not having what we have and you're right, they have a stronger currency and better schools. And here's where I want the proof to start kicking in. Bush says he's better than Clinton, Clinton says he's better than Bush, Bush said he could improve on Reagan. I want to see these Bozo's stop pounding their chest and do some friggin' work. They always say they can do this or that, it's about time to PROVE IT!!!

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Then some idiot politician decided to prevent the company from writing that off.


Push... The reason bush is paying more tax than the previous presidents is because he's too stupid to count :evil: and he {as you stated} wasn't nearly as rich as the other. The more you make, the less you pay. That's the rule.


, and the average idiot American continues to buy cheaper and cheaper products because they are trained from infancy to consume or they are trying to stretch their unemployment money as far as it will go.

And for those who say to invest in the market, what about all the folks who invested in one of the most secure and profitable companies of all time and lost it all? Enron. So you don't want to be on Social Security or you'd rather invest it yourself. Fine. Who will you invest in?

here's where I want the proof to start kicking in. Bush says he's better than Clinton, Clinton says he's better than Bush, Bush said he could improve on Reagan. I want to see these Bozo's stop pounding their chest and do some friggin' work. They always say they can do this or that, it's about time to PROVE IT!!!


Last time I checked they just raised the limit for buying that co. car up to $100k...

my buddies dad owns a well drilling co. and that got em a new well rig... sounds like a bonus to me. The more you make the less you pay? talk about showing some proof.If that is true why does the top 5% of wage earners pay 53.25% of all the income taxes? You are right about the consumer if we demand the cheap goods , the suppliers will go to where they can compete...and those "stretching" their unemployment are less and less these days you notice? The market is a risk, thats why its only a small % you will have to invest...and you can not participate if that is what you choose.

Keep an eye on the numbers from here on out for your proof... starting with the drop in unemployment that has somehow eluded the mainstream press. ;)

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