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Banshee is sitting


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Ok here is the issue at hand. I am in the Navy, I spend 6 months

away from home a year. I ride my banshee once in a while, and

every time i do i end up breaking myself or something on it. I just

got done fixing it from the last time i came home and i am getting

ready to leave for another 6 months. I hate to do it but I think I

am gonna sell it, I would rather have somebody get some use

out of it than it sit in a garage for half a year. I deploy next month.

Its in ohio. I have lots of stuff done to it and some random extra

parts for it (lowering kit, handlebars, etc) It runs good. I mean

hell its practicaly got a fresh top end with 10 hours max on it.

should I sell it or let it sit. I have a raptor but i let my dad use it

while I am gone, no one at home will ride the shee they are afraid

of it.

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after a long deployment of protecting our great country ,your gonna want a badass machine to ride and the raptor isnt gonna cut it,so id keep it. hell even if you got your 3500out of it you cant buy anything on an aircraft carrier, so you might as well keep her ,maybe when you get done youll want to throw a stroker crank on it or some shit you never know :cheers:

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All good points, I am leaning torwads keeping it.

It just gets aggrivating as hell to know its in a

garage not doing anything for six months. Its

paid for so it aint hurting nothing. I got stuff for

it that i bought from last deployment i still need

to put on it.

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