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At idle it dies


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I'm wondering if your problem is something else...I mean, your jetting does sound really fat, but why would one side have less "pressure" coming out as well as the gooey shit you're talknig about if your problem was solely jetting? There might be something else going on in your engine to cause the left side to do what it is, maybe the crank seal went bad.....

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I measured the carbs accurately and the size is 35mm...



Big boy Banshee: I changed my plugs and now both sides work....



I had to play with the idle screw about 2 1/2 turn out and now it idles... how do you now if its to high???


the air screw I turned out 2 1/2 turn also, now I have to do a plug check but I don't have anywhere to open it up to 6th gear any suggestions???




Could this be moved to the jetting forum.... Thanks

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WOT 6th gear plug checks are only for verifying the main jets ( last post sounded like you were thinking of checking the pilots that way).


Anyway, if it idles better when you screw the airscrews out (leaning idle mixture out) and you get beyond 2.5 turns out then you may want to go down 1 size on the pilots.


Also it sounds to me like you may want so make sure that the carb slides are in sync. If they are out of sync the cylinders will want to idle differently, one weaker than the other. To sync the carbs you look into the intake sides of the carb (air filters off) and adjust the idle so that both carb slides are at the same height at idle postion (closed throttle). Next slowly take the slack out of the throttle cable and verify that both slides begin moving at the same time. If one comes up before the other then use the nuts on the carb tops to take the slack out of the cable on the side that the slide comes up late untill both slides begin to move at the same time. You can also check by holding the trottle open so the bottom of the slide is flush with the inside top of the carb and feeleing with your finger if both slides are even with the top of the carb.


On my shee if the carbs aren't perfectly sync'ed you can hear the cylinders fire diferently on deceleration, start up, and cruising at part throttle. When you can't hear a difference in the 2 cylinders, your sync'ed.

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