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Any Other Pilots?


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Are there any other pilots on BHQ?


What do you fly? Owner/Renter? Hours?


I've been a pilot since 1989 but have flown just enough to stay current in the past 4 or 5 years. I've been having some extensive (expensive) work done on my plane, a Cessna 182, and it should finally be flying again in a couple of weeks.


I was just curious if there were any other people flying except on their Banshees.

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my bro just got a job as a comercial pilot for British Airways, he started off gliding then got a scholorship for his ppl and again for his comercial licemce and type rating. i just got to wait 9 more months then i get 80% discount on all BA flights:):) cant complain at that!! :bolt:



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Wouldn't call myself a "pilot" just yet. I have 25 hours in a 172 w/ a cross country solo in there. I've got backseat time in a T-34C (hurrivac for Ivan), S-3 viking and F-14 Tomcat, which means absolutely nothing but it was fun.


I'm currently a student naval aviator here in wonderful Pensacola, hence my T-34 avatar.

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Same here led, always wanted to be an Eagle driver or an Apache pilot, got an appointment to West Point but they said I couldn't fly rotary wings with corrected vision...bastards. Oh well.


My grandfather (USAF Colonel Retired, Fedex pilot retired) has a homebuilt Glasair that is a blast to fly tho, one of these days I'll get a private pilot's license myself. It's cake once she's in the air but takeoffs and landings are...an experience heh :evil:

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i was in civil air patrol , was gonna get my solo done , heck i even had hook ups to a congressman max sandlin to get me entered into the usaf academy , but my interest kinda changed for the worse , since i wear contacts i also hear that u cant fly fighter jets in the air force , so i guess that counts me out . i guess im just gonna be a mining engineer or somthing . but i still know how to fly , i could do it on my own , i even learned to fly a helicopter . :shrugani:

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The eye site thing sucks, they are now letting guys get corrective surgery. When I first got into the military (1992) you couldn't go to flight school unless you had 20/20 eye site, but the crazy thing is you can wear glasses after you have gone through flight school. I dont have to wear glasses yet (I'm 31 years old) but I'm sure I will one of these days, my last flight physical I could still read the 20/15 line so I should be good for a few more years. Right now they hurting for pilots in the army and they can give you a waiver for eyes if they are not to bad, and you cant be older than 27. Dont give up if that is what you really want.

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