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You do need to put longer studs in a Pro Design Cool head, and it's very simple. From what I understand, they use the same domes so performance wise they'll do the same, Noss claims they cool better though. The workmanship on the Noss head is far superior to the Pro Design Cool Head, uses less parts. That should make it a bunch easyer to take off and put back on. Honestly, I would love to find some sucker to trade his Noss head for my Pro Design Cool Head. That's just me.

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You do need to put longer studs in a Pro Design  Cool head, and it's very simple. From what I understand, they use the same domes so performance wise they'll do the same, Noss claims they cool better though.  The workmanship on the Noss head is far superior to the Pro Design Cool Head, uses less parts. That should make it a bunch easyer to take off and put back on. Honestly, I would love to find some sucker to trade his Noss head for my Pro Design Cool Head.  That's just me.




mine has stock studs

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Hmmm, my opinion would be..... :rolleyes:


Anyway, the domes are going to depend on what gas you want to run and other mods. I'm in Oklahoma also. Most places here you can run 20cc domes with premium pump gas.


The Pro Design does require longer studs which can be installed by double-nutting the old ones out and the new ones in. Not a real big hassle but if you have the choice.......


In OKC, you could get it the next day on UPS. I'm out of blue heads for about two weeks.



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Like someone said before, I would love to find someone to trade their Noss head for my Pro Disign, and here is why. Last weekend we had three bikes at the sandhills. One Noss head and two Pros. One of the bikes with a Pro head had been having heating problems that we traced down to a bad cap. After replacing the cap we took a pretty hard ride on all three bikes. After the ride we used a tempertaure gun to check them all, and the Noss head was almost 60 degrees cooler on the head temperature than either of the other two. Both of the Pro bikes were carriying a little more weight, but not that much. There is no doubt that the Noss head both looks better and works better. Go with the Noss, put a set of 19 in it and get your but up to Waynoka. :-)

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